
Live in Portland and love the Timbers - where can I get Iron Front stuff

This is a reminder to never have children if you care about your legacy.

How to Prep Your Kids Breakfast in Advance

+1 underage hooker

I’m gonna call bullshit on any telco company trying to help reduce robo-calling.

Just another case study: any rube can go to Harvard

My friends and I call these “ Womb Combs”

End the NCAA.

Mastercard is still a thing?

Employing homosexuals and then using the profits they create to lobby against their basic rights isn’t kind, it’s trolling.

  • “What activities destroy my mood and drain my energy?”

Tidal is still a thing?

in front of* two trump sons - looks like your link maybe ate a word

My girlfriend also has a rule against polite choking.

Nope. Just credit unions.

That sound was Portland fans excited to be getting another big not named Meyers Leonard.

This app is markedly inferior to Personal Capital

+1 Smashing Pumpkins Cover

Don’t we say this every year?

Please tell me he was wearing a cup.