Vinny needs his toenails trimmed. :D
Vinny needs his toenails trimmed. :D
I've consistently had great luck with Amazon. Last Christmas I had 3 Razor scooters stolen from my porch after UPS dropped them off, Amazon sent replacements Next Day Air, at their cost. Since then I've been a loyal customer to the tune of over $40k (I buy alot of stuff for work and expense it). I've had to make…
While I feel just awful that I might hurt someone's feelings as they trample all over my 4th amendment rights, it doesn't change the fact that most of these screeners seem to have absolutely no idea of the ends to their means. That is to say, they generally come off as though the goal is to go through the motions on…
When I bought my Jetta TDI new in '03 my (now ex) wife insisted on an auto. Two months ago I made things right and swapped the failing auto trans (it made it 250k miles) for a proper 5 speed, complete with an ultra high ratio 5th gear swapped in and single mass flywheel. Went from 41mpg average mpg to 52. Life is…
@shkm: Funny, I did the same and am one week in, I find it way better than a shave from a cartridge razor. Plus it's super cheap, can't believe how much those damn cartridges cost. :/
The men's restroom at my office has only one toilet. Some twat pisses in (on) it every day without bothering to lift the seat. If you are that twat I beg you to plunge a pair of scissors deep into a bodily orifice of your choosing. One of your own orifices, in case that wasn't clear.
All of this nonsense because we can't sack up as a society and admit that the people we're looking for are middle eastern males 99.999% of the time. There, I said it. But alas no, in the name of political correctness we must overlook facts and treat everyone like a terrorist; yes Grandma, you get a full body cavity…
@Shep_Shepherd: Oddly enough, I had this car when I was kid and it was one of my favorites. My son has it in his fleet now. :)
That was one tiny barn.
I can see it coming, 50 years from now people will complain that we are locking up all the carbon in Graphene, causing global cooling.