
You’re gonna see this highlight a lot on Sunday Night, so you may as well get used to it starting right now

God save us from President Pence.

I don’t throw in with a candidate that’s endorsed by the KKK. David Duke praising his victory along with countless other bigots should make you ill.

The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he

One of these days, Walking Dead games will come annually, with an inbuilt military mode, where all the zombies are replaced by soldiers.


I took it seriously.

Kelce was in the wrong, but you know what? The refs are quick to throw their flags for bad words and frustration towel tosses but NOT ACTUAL POTENTIAL INJURY PLAYS.

Oh, eat a dick.

Tobias has been saving his smoked meat since forever. Starting to smell a little fünke.

Oh, the bears will get you. If they want you, they’ll have you. They’ll eat you right up.

Am I the only one that noticed it was the ‘Yota car? Though he hasn’t said anything about the Japanese exporters, I’m pretty sure he would have rather had the livery on something that was an American brand (even if the Camry is just about the most American car sold in America right now)

1:40 - “Sensing weakness, the smaller members of the pack descend...”

What’s the big deal? Tim Tebow bounced passes to receivers for years and nobody was impressed.

Considering he’s the head coach of Florida State, I’m not sure he’s really in a position to say that players are held accountable...

This complicates how we look at what led to his death, but doesn’t lessen the tragedy of his death, doesn’t devalue the loss felt by his family, friends, Miami and the Cuban-American community.

there’s a guy outside who says he needs to be in here

Not to be confused with the Saints’ defense where two safeties give up on every play.

Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.

When the Browns finally win a game.