
I mean, mine slides down when I’m sitting under a shaded patio chatting about stand-up comedy (had a social distancing visit on the 3rd for my brother’s birthday), so I can imagine hers slid down a little while protesting on her feet for hours, confronting police in riot gear, shouting chants, and seeing her friends

Oh, I also was bored and fell into a wiki hole, so I know why they went with the weird racist theme for Splash Mountain: the guy who did the character design for Song of the South also did it for America Sings, an attraction in the former Carousel of progress that was shutting down around the time Splash Mountain was

This was my favorite ride. And when I took my kids to Disney for the first time not too long ago, it was their fave, too. So happy they’re making this change—In another win, I’ll also note that the “Imagineer” leading the switchover is a black woman: Charita Carter—the change has been in the works for over a year.

There is not a single person reading this website who thinks someone besides Biden is going to be the nominee. This is such a BS strawman and I think you probably know this.

You know what? That’s fair. I’ve been seeing a lot of infuriating anti-Biden stuff from certain folks out there on the net lately, and I think I directed some of that anger here unfairly. Biden is being an ass.

Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find

Look, we get it. You don’t like Biden. You didn’t want him to be the nominee. I don’t like him either. I certainly didn’t vote for him in my primary. But it’s him or Trump at this point. He’s not going to drop out and magically give Bernie or Warren the nomination. He’s what we’re stuck with. Is there any chance of us

Don’t rely on one person, if it they are a god. As Dr. Fauci (Brad Pitt) recently said:

Oh, well that’s helpful. We were so screwed before, but now we have thoughts and prayers to protect us.

The dig on him here is that he isn’t Bernie, and that’s pretty much it.

Joan has shitty takes. She called a plan by Schumer and Pelosi a scheme as though they are plotting something nefarious.

Agreed. The denial train would be running full steam ahead.

I’m not thrilled with Biden either, but don’t quite get the dig at him here. Based on Trump’s meltdowns over the recent ads from The Lincoln Project this ad is absolutely what Biden should be doing. Not only is it a great spot that concisely outlines Trump’s utter failures at dealing with the pandemic, but I’m sure our

Question. If Trump got Covid-19 from the valet, do you think he would

A joke answer? I found it terrifyingly on-point. I’d be interested in a more hopeful down-to-earth answer to this burning question from Perpetually Bored (aka all of us), but certainly haven’t found one. 

My other thought on this is basically: what is the outcome she’s hoping for? Is she thinking he’ll drop out of the race because of a 30 year old sexual assault accusation that she can’t prove happened?


Progressives voters, especially younger ones (of which I am one) are TERRIBLE about understanding what actually affects change. The presidency is fools gold if you don’t have congress.

You have to shape the legislative landscape first.  Nothing happens without that.

I noticed self-styled “progressives” use “The Establishment” the exact same way the MAGAbot use “deep state”. It’s whatever they don’t like.

This type of shit is one of the reasons Bernie lost. Turns out, black Americans, especially older ones (who overwhlemingly voted for Biden) did not like being labled “the

Picking Biden removes the #1 attack that will be waged by Republicans:

This primary has sucked. There seemed to be a real chance to either have some combination of (1) the emergence of a real progressive candidate enthusiastically pursuing a real progressive platform, (2) the emergence of a youngish leader for the party moving forward or (3) the emergence of a candidate reflective of the