Fox News would’ve devoted at least 3 hours to questioning his faith. “President Obama curses on Good Friday, another sign he’s a secret Muslim?”
Fox News would’ve devoted at least 3 hours to questioning his faith. “President Obama curses on Good Friday, another sign he’s a secret Muslim?”
We know how politics works. The best plans wind up watered down for a hundred different reasons, usually bullshit ones.
You know Elizabeth Warren is hitting a nerve when the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, National Review and Fox News are soiling their pants responding to each and every one of her proposals. Proposals by the way that wait for it........ actually lay out how she is going to pay for it. Warren needs to hang…
Which is really similar to what happened to Clinton. You had one candidate putting forward serious suggestions for how to handle important issues in the country, and one candidate who lied about everything and promised that his mere presence in the White House would make everything okay, and most of the media coverage…
I feel the same way. I can’t say I’m 100% sold on anyone but I keep coming back to Warren. It’s unfortunate that what she is doing is so lost in all the chaos.
Her focus on policy is one of the reasons she’s my top pick right now. I have a really hard time imagining much of this being enacted, but I love that she’s putting them out there, and wish the media would give more attention to this than to the horse race stuff they usually focus on (not you all).
Thanks from a fellow designer for saying everything I was thinking while reading the article, especially regarding fonts. This really is a hot take.
Thanks for the links to Hyperakt (design firm) and to Underconsideration’s.
Also former midwesterner - I love it!
You know, as a designer myself, I was at first thrilled to see this headline. How cool that someone not in the field even noticed! But it’s just a boring, thinly veiled hit piece on a longshot candidate based on... what, exactly? The fact that Buttigeig doesn’t have policy ready years in advance? That he thought…
Yes. Although it is rather silly. Almost no president had a platform this far away from election day. Barack didnt even know where Iowa was in April of 2007. And Trump was still trying to figure out who he would let win the apprentice in April of 2015.
Same - as a Midwesterner, I think this branding makes a heckuva lot of sense, all things considered.
I’ve realized that today, too. There’s clearly a pre-formed determination to shit on anyone who isn’t Bernie, I guess? I mean this writer is over here snarking about font for fuck’s sake.
Some policy ideas can be good when you’re using them to stand out, but it can go wrong. In 2008, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama furiously debated over whether there should be an individual mandate in the Romney-esque health care plan. At points, it seemed like the only policy point that mattered between the two…
I completely agree with you. No one comes to the job as POTUS completely prepared and able to execute on everything he or she promised b/c there are way too many unknowns. Way to many constantly-changing variables.
Am I the only one that has no real problem with a candidate lacking policy specifics in April 2019?
Honestly, I can’t help but notice that you seem to have some really negative opinions formed about Buttigieg. It makes this analysis feel less like an actual examination of his branding, and more like just a snarky attempt at a take down piece. I mean this with respect, but it’s a little difficult to engage you as a…
I grew up in the mid-west, and this font makes me nostalgic for big industrial murals, train stations with art deco curves and architectural features built out of iron. Very specifically, it reminds me of Union Station in Cincinnati which went from low usage shell in 1971 to a vibrant natural history museum.
Yeah, but she ain’t wrong. I’m all for keeping progressive momentum going in pulling the Democratic party more to the left through primaries. But in 2018 the House was flipped by less leftist Democrats winning in swing districts, not the (outstanding people that we need more of) handful of progressives who won in…