
You’re welcome to your opinion, but I strongly disagree. And calling her “hopelessly flawed” because she’s dishonest in a campaign against TRUMP is laughable. Surely you’re not saying you wouldn’t vote for her, or wouldn’t vote at all, if she takes the primary because she’s too dishonest?

I’ll suck it up and vote for him if he wins the primary, but I hate that the primary is getting nasty so early. It’s stupid to target each other. Target Trump. Can’t the candidates learn anything from 2016 and just RUN AGAINST TRUMP?

Back up. You are lobster rolls from McDonalds?  I don’t know how to classify that decision.  

I agree. Plus, the last episode for me was pretty awful. They’ve got eternal zombie teenagers to babysit on a remote island? That sure sounds like fun... Plus, there was no real build up to Liv and Major getting back together when they spent 5 seasons alternately getting together and breaking up again, so I don’t

If Democrats don’t hold themselves accountable, how can they keep calling out Republicans?  That said, this is revenge porn harassment and should end with some people facing criminal charges.  The Democratic Party should be calling out these people for violating her rights.


Warren 2020! I think she’s edged everybody out and I sure wish we could at least say goodbye and go run for governor or senator to some of the other candidates already. I like a lot of them! They’re all better than Trump but bow out when you know you don’t have a chance.  Just go do something else besides run for

I don’t know if I’d put it that harshly (not that I disagree), but he’s hard to follow and we have had enough of that.

I agree!  Kids and families are separated and in cages, allies are being slaughtered after we abandoned them, the president has openly sought enemy interference in our elections, reproductive rights are at stake, tariffs are hurting our economy, Flint still doesn’t have clean water, Puerto Rico needs help, our climate

I was really hoping she’d follow the Obamas’ lead and stay out until there’s a candidate so she doesn’t divide Democrats even further. Maybe just be diplomatic and say what everyone should be saying all the time: they’re all better than Trump. Except Marianne Williamson. She’s better but not by enough.

That will make it harder for him to win, but I don’t know that it should disqualify him from running. Shit happens. People get sick. Personally, I love Warren , but I won’t fault him for trying and I’ll vote for him if he takes the primary.

Grooooooooooooooan.... Why is this concept so hard to understand? *bangs head on keynoard*Just.  Don’t.  Say it.

I worked in a low income middle school in downtown Nashville. I’ve seen the darker side of uniforms. The uniform was specific colored polos, pants, sweaters, and skirts. No hoodies. Belts buckled. Shirts tucked in, front and back. The vp stood outside the cafeteria and pointed to kids to make them step out of

I’m guessing small town school?  Maybe Southern?  It sounds like the school I went to for the first two years of high school until we moved back to the city.

Pretty damn hard for a lot of people apparently 

Love it

What an ass.  I’m glad the principal got on him.

Maybe I’m out of line, but do you think he could do a lot of good by dropping out and running for Senate or governor? He’s gotten some good press and loyal fans. He could trade that in for a government position and also back whoever wins the primary, because I’m sorry, but according to all the polls he doesn’t have

Found guilty of having a stillborn baby and freaking out? You think she was reacting under a normal state of mind? She’d just found out she was pregnant and went into labor before she could figure out what she was going to do. The poor baby was stillborn.  Can you imagine what was going through her mind while she

It’s not far from Handmaid’s Tale where contraception is banned.