
those are called fractions, and are real numbers, so is fair play

is He in the Dead end?

Apple? you are describing Tesla...

1.4L with MT and 1.6L with AT

Manual, brown, turbo diesel wagon... did I get it right?

In Mexico for several years we had the Hyundai Atos by Dodge...


See you at the slide show tomorrow! :)

Well, I’m in Mexico like 2 hr away from US border in a main Metroarea, and I have 5 years with not such service at my car with the capability to use it =(

Because Cars are sold globaly and no everywhere is that available... remember, some of your cars are build in Mexico, and sold there too... same trim


And then trying to sue the brand of the product for your own stupidity?

Sincerely those new FOB from Mazda are too light on weight, and every time I drop it if fully disassembly, better a silicon or leather sleeve as you mention you like, and then the color really doesn’t matter.

Official “Spy” photos...

Imagine how white your teeth would be if used properly

You might need Gorila Glue for those signs...

Either liquid Gasoline...

Who would know... Competition is good for the consumer...

It happened to me once, with company car after picking it up from service, literally just drive half block away from the service workshop and the car dies.

And you forget to mention Mexico initially has a Micra model, befor the March... so probably the tooling is older than that.