
‘scuse me, what? Breivik is a monster who killed children and you can go fuck yourself.

“Indigenous” Hahaha! Who are you descended from? The Huns? The Vandals? I mean, the Aryans were from India originally, the Caucasians are from the Caucuses, which we consider Central Asian now. I mean, unless you’re 100% Basque, Hungarian, Finnish, or Estonian, we know for sure that your culture/language/people came

Truth. He’s apologizing for bad language? That’s barely a bad word. That’s like an American politician apologizing for calling someone a jerk. Scatalogical if you think about it, but nobody does.

On Youtube there is a 14 minute long supercut of Malcolm Tucker Malcolm Tuckering and it is amaaaaazing

I cannot see that white fabric as anything but white no matter how hard I try. If you tried to tell me it had the slightest touch of powder blue to it, I might believe you. But that bright primary blue? No way in hell. And that lace is so clearly not black. Self-identified Owl, here.

I know HIV/AIDS still a major concern for the public health community, but the social aspects of the early-mid years are what I think have been forgotten.

I thought one of the conditions for Lizzy allowing Charles to marry her was that she could never have the title of Queen

However, you see all these guys with “back” problems and other basic maladies that allow then to suck the system dry... If we really just gave it to guys like the authors brother people who are so easily identified as sick...

I’ve been looking for a garter belt that’s actually functional rather than decorative for ages. Those kinds of stockings are so much more comfortable than control-top whatevers, you can clip some thigh-high socks up there when it’s cold out, so much easier to pee, just superior all around. Not that anybody wears

Oh man, you must be well constituted to be able to deal with press-on nails. I would go through phases with those in high school and no matter how hard I’d tell myself I wasn’t going to, I would always be fiddling with them and pressing down on the tips ‘till the glue popped off at the base of the nail.

Right... If I hadn’t gotten my current phone that would have covered... a month and a half, maybe 2 months of premiums. For a plan with a deductible of many thousands of dollars. Obviously would have fixed everything.

I dunno, I’ve always had a healthy relationship with food and so has my mom - probably lucked out there. I’d say the vast majority of my female friends have at least an ok relationship with food. There are some I know have issues and some that I worry about, but I’ve lived in close quarters with a number of them over

? Is that in L.A. too? Never heard any of that kind of BS at Core Power out here in the midwest. The instructors are more like “who’s joining me for chipotle after this?”

[lady here] One time I ordered an old fashioned (because they’re the best, clearly) and the guy was like “really? Are you sure?” I was like “um, yeah. Are your ears broken?” and he was like “I only ever see young women order old fashions because they’ve heard their dad order them, I just wanted to make sure that you

Good lord, yes. Travante Rhodes is a’ight and all, but why in the world is André Holland not part of this campaign? I am dissapoint.

This always drove me crazy, but where I grew up most people said “borrow” for both. I come from the land of many scandinavians and apparently in Swedish there is just one word for both and so when all that scandinavian immigration was happening, that useage crept into the English around those parts. That’s what I’m

You’re not missing anything. My local Indie station plays him and ... Meh is the only word I can think to describe him.

#Backdoorlover or GTFO

I think you’re bringing up good points. I suppose I’m viewing this more as a first step towards something like a general strike, which isn’t really about the employers at all. First of all, this was a temporary strike. They weren’t holding out for a specific endpoint, they were flexing their muscles. General strikes

Do you understand what a strike is? How it works? The fact that it works (in other countries where it’s actually a thing people do)? No shit, it’s inconvenient. That’s the whole point.