You said what I couldn't articulate. Adults can be real dicks about thrusting their own aspirations and social conscience on kids.
You said what I couldn't articulate. Adults can be real dicks about thrusting their own aspirations and social conscience on kids.
I don't quite understand the point of this... Is it mocking or buying into beliefs about feminists?
Awesome, I'll be sure to tell everyone else in 1998 about this totally subversive trend.
I dig this actually. Lets face it. Sex can be an overrated activity. High in risk and low in reward. I know its not for everyone but I've been celibate for the past 15 years or so (no reason really I just couldn't be bothered with sex anymore.) It cut a lot of the stressful bullshit out of my life. I also learned that…
I never understood people's fascination and obsession with sex, or more specifically, to have it. I don't see why it's a mark of pride to have had sex before going to college, or before graduating it, and I don't see why not having sex is such a big deal. I don't see why people (more often men) comment "that dude…
Yes. The same could be applied to any charity work a woman is doing - "I have 4 kids and I still contribute 50 hours a week to the Red Cross. What's your excuse?" which, as this woman is doing, is completely disregarding privilege and personal individual circumstances. What an ass.
Ha! I made a similar point in another thread. How absurd would it be if we all made photos of things we excel at asking others what their excuse was for not excelling? It would be....hilarious.
What bothers me too is this gives trainers and people in general in the fitness industry a bad name. I have had two FANTASTIC trainers in the last few years. Neither shamed me for being overweight, for having trouble sticking to a routine, for not looking like they do (one is male, one female). First thing both of…
Interesting. A couple of thoughts I have. Usually people who have that ARE assholes about it, ZING! Take that smart ass PH.D person!
double , even triple-recommend
EXACTLY! Why is it acceptable to be so smug about physical fitness, but not a passion for education? I don't think anyone should be rude about their accomplishments, but in our society physical appearance means way way too much!
Exactly! The whole "shaming" thing presupposes that we all value our appearance above all things. If she had prioritized learning German or playing the tambourine above all else, and devoted all her free time to that, she could brag "what's your excuse?" and people would think she was crazy. But since she prioritized…
It does make the secondary point about what's truly valued in this culture, but there's another whole rant in there, and I don't have the energy today.
I think there's a difference between "depend on" (As you say, you should be able to depend on the men in your life, as they should be able to depend upon you.) and "dependency." That last one is no good for anyone.
I depend on my husband to be an equal contributor in our relationship. So basically, I depend on him being a responsible adult. That kind of dependency is more like a reasonable expectation, though, so maybe not quite the same thing.