
Dudes generally love long hair. They pontificate about it at length, no pun intended. I know this pisses people off for some reason — it shouldn't; who gives a shit what men like? But because of the overwhelming male preference for long hair, getting your hair cut off can feel like a total loss of femininity/beauty.

Far as I know, vinegar and baking soda and all that garbage is gender neutral. I don't know why people act like STEM shit is the only educational stuff there is. Books are perfectly educational, as are the documentary videos for kids — I had a whole set of EyeWitness VHS tapes.

I'm so glad my parents didn't lose their goddamn minds trying to get me (a girl) to play with boy shit to satisfy their conscience. As far as I remember both my brother and I only had educational stuff. A lot of books, a lot of magic schoolbus accoutrements, something called a 'pico' you could play learning games

All other comments are not really necessary.

Everyone thinks the obsession with manliness is bullshit, but if you're fucking a dude who was raised prior to now (e.g. not an infant or toddler) chances are that shit is still pretty deeply ingrained.

I was responding to this parenthetical aside: (more often men.)

Here is a thing about dudes.

Indeed I am! Usually poor people don't get anything good out of life, because wealthy people who move their kids to private schools make sure they don't.

"Made it" where, though? I got where I wanted to in life, and so did most of my peers from bad public schools. They didn't get Ph.Ds or anything, but they have perfectly decent jobs that pay real American currency, so who gives a shit?

I went to shit public schools in Texas my whole life, and won scholarships like mad afterward. Ivy League undergrad, Cambridge grad, Ivy League Ph.D — never paid a dime for any of it. It was easy, because the public schools I went to were shit, so I had to do everything on my own. I just sat around and read books

Mmmkay, so "poors need to not even try to get fit" is not a serious solution here. People's goals are often aspirational rather than material and methodically accessible, and that's fine: goals inspire us to keep working in the right direction, even if the exact object itself is somewhat unattainable. I'd like to win

What saves Wes Anderson from being hipster garbage is he has a real, genuine sympathy for people. Hipster trash is horrible and grating not only because it's predictable but because it's scathing — hipsters are so 'over' everything, and their art expresses that kind of snobbish boredom with the human experience. Wes

Being poor, working many jobs, having health issues, etc — all reasons that aren't excuses that a person who wanted to look this way potentially couldn't. Still assholish.

The notion that everything that comes between a person and a goal is an excuse is bullshit, and that's why she deserves to be criticized. I hope that clears things up.

I'm a woman and I think women look stunning in high heels.

Man, it would seem even cuntier if an academic posted that to other academics. I imagine people would revile that individual to such a degree that they'd have difficulty getting employed.

I think what would be most telling is how the petty meanness of it would be so obvious in great numbers.

Haha, very true. I've been in academia a long time. I get the 'socially awkward and maladjusted' vibe more often than straight up asshole, but the latter definitely happens. Usually, oddly enough, the people who least warrant special treatment and veneration feel they deserve it the most.

If I wanted to be an extra dick, I could tack on:

Plus our understanding of potential.