
It should be legal to shoot bigots on site, elected or not.

Good for Kevin. I prefer Adidas anyway.

That would cut into the ad revenue. Can’t have that (or literate writers) now, can we? worked?

Heaven’s Gate.

What a so very “mature” response.

You lost me here.

Occam’s Razor says “NOPE”.

Ha! As if would make a difference. He knows the base and he is absolutely catering to it.

Funny that you would choose to use the word “mature” when you are the one so virulently defending comic book movies.

Yeah, whatever happened to the good ol’ days of burning crosses in front of minorities houses?

They shouldn’t have been made in the first place.

Aw, shucks.

Have fun with your picture books, “stewie”.


HUGE citation needed here, asshole.

Gets cast as Jesus on the cross once and goes completely bonkers afterward.

I for one am voting for the bullet that rids all of us of this particular brand of asshole.

And I suggest this particular asshole (out of a field of MANY) get blown up in one of his own rockets, perish at the bottom of the sea, or simply stroke-out while sucking trumps tiny dick.

You appear to be under the impression that the two would even share the same creative and/or intellectual space. What a strange pretension.