
As an engineer I have become just SO fucking tired of all these adult-children wasting all of their time, money, and potential on this bullshit that gets in the way of the other stories on this site. But hey, if you’ve got the trust fund to waste it more power to ya, i guess.

Coming from an adult child who watches movies based on picture books into middle age your comment only reinforces my original.

You attempt to take a “high road” while trying also to draw it from a source of mental un-wellness.


This asshole would make a great human shield.

“And then punch me in the face a dozen times, because mama never loved me!”

He should have been aborted, and even they know it.

Sucks to be in florida nowadays. First there were the pythons, then the giant meningitis-spreading snails, and as per usual the various invasive fascist sub-species of De-Santirium, Rubiosis, and Scottulism.

Honestly, and with any luck: they didn’t feel a thing.

Of all the victims I feel sorriest for this young person whose intuition told him not to board that barely-tested death trap but ultimately did to spend time (and eventually die) with his father.

Pot, meet kettle.

You are far too immersed in the fiction you see on TV.

If they managed to “claw themselves out” at that depth they would be crushed to death instantly.

Likewise, but unless your Peter Thiel himself (or equally wealthy) then you would never have a shot at climbing into that tin can death trap in the first place.

Meanwhile a boat overloaded with people from poorer countries capsized in the Mediterranean killing nearly a hundred, and with hundreds more still missing and with little hope in the way of rescue from any government.

Is not not they very same troglodytes who still support this buffoon that fly flags from their trucks and at insurgencies that say “Fuck Your Feelings”?

1000% agreed.

May they all drown in septic tanks.

If someone would just pull the trigger and end this wholly repugnant motherfucker then the taxpayers wouldn’t be any more out of pocket than we already are. Given his obesity it shouldn’t be such a difficult shot. Just don’t aim for the hands.

Because they were among the last to know.