Just five of them?
Evangelicals are the American Taliban and we should be just as dead-set on eliminating them here at home than we were during the illegal war in Afghanistan, before they get any more of a foothold.
It’s just such a shame they only shot one of these terrorists, instead of taking out the whole lot when they had the chance.
Truly the best argument in favor of sterilizing republicans.
Oh, that’s fucking clever.
Sure thing, you fucking pedant. Bet you’re great fun at parties, if only you ever got invited to any.
All of which only proves that it’s incredibly easy to fleece nerds of their allowance money.
Part of the criteria is that male astronauts are neutered. They have no hope of reproducing again, and thus are much less inhibited by tense situations and leaving a family behind should things go wrong.
Read the headline: “The Coolest—and Most Frightening—Spacewalks in History”
No to mention the heat radiating back from the earth into the atmosphere, even at high altitude.
He walked in there and peacefully protested until clearly being assaulted with the phone in his face.
Delete Facebook.
And then actually “fixing” it and going on to actually release it, AND THEN make a fucking sequel?!
Don’t you mean that it was your “furst guess”?
Clearly ted cruz’s beard has become sentient, rejected the host brain, and has spread like wildfire; taking over control of previously dormant neurological systems. This is the creature Texans want representing them in the Senate.
The national focus on the two illegal wars being fought abroad after 9/11 certainly provided the domestic evangelical terrorists with plenty of cover.
Bigots gonna bigot.
So a year, two months, and two days after the fact and there’s finally a charge brought..?