
Where is the optimism for something like this? Where is the excitement. All I see are jokes and comments of how this will never happen because oil companies, funding, batteries whatever.

@chauncy that billups: Taxing you on sunshine huh? I think there is a little too much grease on your slope... err not an innuendo.

@Damios: Well I have now been educated. I thought that the art field was a no go for me... On account of the zero talent. I think I can get behind this offensive stuff! Screw you guys i'm going to art school!

@dambo29: comcast does not allow such advanced features. Also rewind and fast forward move in 15 sec increments forward an like 4-11 back and a 2 second pause between the functions. I hate cable now, all about the internetz!

@paddyirish: First I have heard of him right here... his stuff looks pretty cool. What artists did he rip off? Are they available for me to purchase or as in the case of bansky's page, just download for free?

@Lazthelost: Word... I am kinda disappointed in the selection though. Im pretty set on the kinect, I just want something with a little less 4th wall breakage. Immerse me in it until I admit to terrorism and we are good.

@junior ghoul: Sorry didnt answer your question with that last post. The answer is hundreds. Literally hundreds of devices.

@junior ghoul: semi throw-away-able, it is not. That is 100 with a contract and the ever dubious mail in rebate. There are plenty of android phones with similar pricing and better hardware and software. I would even go as far as saying proprietary "smartphones" with touchflo or whatever the F lg makes are better than

@bcassian: TERRIBLE software... just sickening. I do support for BB's and they are just a joke. 6 different options menus with almost the same options inside of them that do almost the same thing...but not. Having to pull the battery when on to fix it about once a week. 5 min startup times. The newer BB OS' seem like

@blyan-reloaded: If you are using a botnet type system it is impossible to know who is innocent and being used, and who is the actual "bad guy".

@ForestFire0: Whatever you want... except for your hand.

@Daniel Griscom: Its an apple thing. You just wouldn't understand!

@twophrasebark: What about when Mojin boo killed everyone, and then they wished us back with the dragonballs?

My girlfriend has number 12 I think.

@FriarNurgle: Win. I think a dingo ate your baby though.

@crikerat: wait... what... no...

@kaffeen: I agree with wilson on what he is saying... but at the same time, if you are a dick to me, I will make your tech support experience painful. And probably not fix your issue on purpose. There is certainly a grain of truth to what you are saying.

@Zkdog: If that is the case I happily eat my words. And I like you too if you have some extra crown... (although pendleton is more my style).

@meatbag_pussrocket: I agree... except for Tony. I want to know when that guy goes. Its important.

@Dancing Milkcarton: It depends on implementation. In fact when I take a picture on my android phone I can click share on facebook right from there. I do believe it will open the facebook app at this point, but almost the same implementation with no issues. Kind of nice to have the option to do that, even though I