
@UnStatusTheQuo: Agreed... those are selling for about 89 bucks on newegg right now (or last week, im not gonna check). Another good alternative is the Asus Oplay. Same deal as that.

These were very good. The yin and yang one is really cool if you look at it upside down. I wish it was submitted in that upside down view to start with honestly.

@Beavertank: Gotta go for the middle head.

@Beavertank: We got a hobbit lover over here!

@Andy Mesa: I refuse to put a cover on any of my phones. I dont mind that they look beat up after using them. I do want to note that I have a nexus one and if screen protector nonsense ever gets brought up, I take out my phone and my keys, go to town on the screen, and show absolutely 0 scratches on the device. Its

I think I figured out what all of those buttons do. I have an advantage though...I am a little bit of an expert being around TV's my whole life. Some others here might not have had that advantage growing up.

@Joshua Carmody: What about the paragraph with the mirroring effect too? (;

@ifandbut: a word to the wise. NEVER EVER!! EVER!! Combine mushrooms and going to the bathroom. That is a recipe for a freakout.

@Willard Fillmore: DONT you dare forget carefully arranging the front of your jeans to make a bigger bulge. Thats my trademark.

@Willard Fillmore: My favorite part was when I felt like you were being a rude jerk calling him RuckingFetard... then I realized oh, its his name.

@blyan-reloaded: From the article I am guessing that one with a higher cannabidiol amount has less effect on short term memory loss... I think that is what kills my game playing the most...

@jamzsquared: take time and compare to android of course! I have used my android phone on T-Mo to tether 14GB + in a month. pretty sweet with no extra charges!

@DNiedAcess: People thought that the duckbill platypus was a make believe animal constructed by taxidermists at first. Part beaver part duck... I still believe that.

@tehsquish: +1 on the diagnosis doc. I have the same experience as you, and learned to calm myself as well.

@djdare: Makes me not even care... too lazy for sex when I smoke. Thats why I like to wait till after...

@doogie1022: only far far far FAR less trippy.

@blyan-reloaded: I would like to be able to buy some that is high in cannabidiol... It would be more conducive to my Starcraft 2 playing. What should I buy and from who? Thats the problem with it not being legal!

@blyan-reloaded: Already gave out your heart clicks but just wanted to add... Dont drink and drive, you might spill your drink,