
@MayorBloomberg: And BTW, I am the KING of CX service. I will CX service the $%^& out of anyone. Starting out with the expectation that people cant understand simple concepts is a great way to fail, and I make sure to train my agents against that attitude.

@MayorBloomberg: How does it require a power user to, I dunno read and understand a little of what you are doing. My hairstyling, doesn't know how to do ANYTHING on computers, blonde girlfriend can figure it out just fine. That is the idiot test for me. I can explain to the LCD (lowest common denominator) of Android

@snitch: Well my own personal anecdotal evidence (which is the very best anecdotal evidence EVER because my mom said the this one time some sort of medicine man/guru said that he heard a story about me knowing the best anecdotal evidence) shows that 90% of windows phone 7 users switch back to android after 6 months

@MayorBloomberg: "You cannot expect the average user to know that one app doing this is good and another is bad."

@Genetic_Bloom: Yes and it is excellent and implemented very elegantly. moving from G1 to N1 took me all of 5 min, and had my homescreens looking goooood!

@octasquid: Yep, close enough. Maybe even on the lower end of the scale.

@NuevoLeon: Automated system. Same as when you are using Linux.

@MayorBloomberg: The way to verify that the app does what is advertised is shown as a message during app installation. It clearly states what permissions are given to that application. What other REASONABLE type of feature would you recommend to verify the app?

@webdevmike: All of those applications really are stupid though so you are making the right choice. If its something that you can just go online and download without an application, then do that. If you want to have to use applications to use basic web surfing functions then get an iPhone.

@CaptainJack: Same situation as you, down to the geographical location. (its nice that we actually have summer weather for once this year).

@kingcrim84: I'm sorry you are depressed. Cheer up little buddy.

I would love to see kits for this sort of creation. Maybe not as complicated, but If you could buy a recycled frame that all you needed to add was some bottles it could be a cool project. Think like a kit car. Buy all the framework pieces for a couple hundred bucks and then from there fill it with buoyant plastics

@scottlandk: I have heard enough Conservatives (and I lump EVERY fundamentalist as conservative. They are almost synonymous worldwide, any religion) talk about how war will always happen, and the theory of "humanity as a whole" can not even be explained to really push the blame very very far from "science and

@N@tedog: Wow, your understanding of the depths of politics, religion, and human rights is to be congratulated. You truly are an inspiration to all. A true American here guys!

@blub: Can someone say convoluted? Write an outline first, get a clear beginning, middle and end. It may make your post readable.

@DeathcomFour: "Jesus stands for all that is good." Can you quote a source please?

@Andinator: I love you for that. Sigh... one day I will have something so awesome to say!

@Sodrohu: What would you do if you got a boner wearing tights like that huh? I bet you would want that cape and cowl then. Works better than a math book! (middle school all over agian).

@Synthfilker: Wow, that was extreme! Someone get me a mountain dew! In all seriousness that was awesome, thanks for sharing!