
I'm tired of the Into Darkness bashing from all sides.

Regarding stray observation number one, Cisco outed him straightaway when he said, "Barry," so his unmasking wasn't a surprise. (But the Arrow crew … that's different.)

That's what we're supposed to think, but, in hindsight, I think it's more likely that Michael's apparent distress was due to being told the plan by his grandfather. (Whatever that plan is.)

Well, it's a shame that the "twist" of this episode (getting Earth-1 Linda to pose as Dr. Light) was so very clearly spoiled/telegraphed in last week's preview.

From what I've seen of Renegades so far … no thanks. Support "Star Trek Continues," "Axanar," or "Star Trek: New Voyages" if you want to support fan series that are better than halfway decent.

While I'd still put TWOK above TSFS, people unduly shit upon Star Trek III. If you're a fan of those characters, there's no reason not to like Star Trek III as it's largely a character piece. It is often beautiful and uplifting.

Well, when The Riddler's riddle is as disappointing as the show itself, maybe it's time for me to drop the show.

It was an Emco station; not a Valero.

I just wish they'd drop the flashback device. It's not needed.

This show would have been better if it followed the model of the comic "Gotham Central": following the police in a world where Batman already exists, though he would only appear as a fleeting shadow above crime scenes. As it is now, everything in this show is too forced to be enjoyable.

> Mr. (make that President) Garrison

But that's what it was called in the Star Trek episode being referenced, and it was just the beginning of the night-long Festival.

It did kinda bug me that they said "Red Time" instead of "Red Hour," but then I got over it.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but wasn't Samantha Morton's character the only one of the three Precogs who had any precognitive ability? If so, how do these other two do what they supposedly do?

Stole that turkey bit from Mr. Bean.

Will FTWD offer any insight into how the virus got started? Surely it’s not a bad batch of heroin.
Well, multiple characters referenced getting their flu shots at least three times, I believe. I'm going with that.

Jimi Hendrix, Electric Ladyland: "Voodoo Chile" and "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)."

Well, of course he wouldn't know his son would die decades later. It's just a interesting, disturbing bit of hindsight at this point.

There is an uncomfortable moment in "Himself" itself when Cosby jokes about wanting to kill his son … you know, the one who was murdered?