
Officials estimated the tax would be paid by about 32,000 residents, “or fewer than 1 percent of those who file their taxes in the city,”

A sandwich is anything that sounds normal when you say the word sandwich after it.

I was on board until the last sentence.

This is a bad take.

I would like to use this article as an opportunity to float my theory “Ryan Fitzpatrick is an evil leprechaun.”

They were only able to gerrymander anything because Democrats failed to maintain control of local governorships and state legislators. We need to stop blaming the boogeyman of gerrymandering for our failings and actually engage at all levels of government instead of showing up every 4 years to vote for President and

Have you seen Michelle Obama?

Slightly more successful than when the Jets tried it a couple years ago...

So since you were at one point in said bumblefuck part of the country it is fair to also state that you had terrible things to say and should have been ignored? And if you ever move to a rural area for any reason you immediately lose all validity of your opinions?

As someone who abhors Donald Trump and everything he stands for: it’s sentiments like yours that have given rise to Donald Trump. Offhandedly dismissing entire swaths of citizens allows a know-nothing huckster like Trump to thrive.

Oh, he overreacted because there is a feeling it could be anybody anywhere? Sort of like how a lot of black people have felt for a long time that any of them could be killed at any time thanks to the number of times black people are killed by police with impunity?

As a CU alumnus, this makes me sad with its accuracy.

But texture and mouth-feel is almost as important as taste. Would you want a hamburger that still tasted like a hamburger if it had the texture of pudding?

It can be genuinely difficult for someone raised on a typical American diet to transition to vegetarianism simply because their entire lives (almost) every meal has had meat as a center point. Giving them something familiar to eat can allow them to more easily make that transition.

That’s pretty spot on for how I feel. I watched the entire first season, almost desperate to like it, and just couldn’t.

Didn’t watch the video until they got to the Crane Kick emote?

The Talos Principle is $40 on Steam, so maybe don’t bring it up anymore if that’s your only point.

The “ground can’t cause a fumble” statement is entirely in regards to people who would be down by contact, not people who have simply fallen over.