
I don’t mind live action re-makes if they do it right. You could safely do a live action super hero movie today and it would feel like the comics or cartoon. But it was hard to do back in the 90's. Now the problem with doing live action from anime is that the studio is using source material that’s hard to replicate

I guess I understand that this droid is wearing a trench coat to fit in but I can never fathom why Mandalorians or Storm Troopers are wearing cloaks and scarves. You wear a suit that protects your whole body? And don’t get me started on Cobra Vipers needing goggles.  

So Sony is going to tell me that eventually Spider-Man is going to fight a super-powered Kraven, Morbius, the Vulture, maybe Rhino, and possibly Venom by himself? Considering Spider-man needed help from Dr Strange and two other Spider-men when he went up against The Green Goblin, Lizard, Dr Ock, Sandman, and Electro?

It’s the new CEO’s problem now...

What she should have done was go when the hurricane was happening and report that it’s not real.

So..who was this d-bag and how did the cops find him?

I”m just curious how this API change affects the subReddit’s group? I’m guessing that less people will visit Reddit (and the various groups) if they have a hard time accessing it through third party apps like Apollo?

I’m no cop, but do you have to clock in at work first before you start work or can you just radio in and say “I’m patrolling a section of Rt-15 between my house and the Dunkin Doughnuts.”

Guys!!! Now hear me out....What if we built centralized locations that is no more than 30 minutes away from your customers and then delivered it to them?

oooo... now do a statue of that racist lady shooting that Dungan looking crewmate.  

this movie sounds like one of those Darren Aronofsky trippy sci-fi movies (which I make sure to steer clear of). could be one of those sci-fi thrillers where the government is after that one individual who has mutant abilities (which is something I would watch),

This looks like a fun game! However, I feel like this could have been a Max Payne 3 or Tomb Raider type game where it’s pretty linear and I go where the story takes me.  

Wouldn’t it just be cheaper to buy a template and just create and print your own license plate? I’m assuming the reason you buy temp plates is that if it goes through a license plate reader, it will come back as legit?

Is Tuckers Twit show some kind of SNL weekend update? But not funny? Also if he goes through every topic in under two minutes, what’s left by episode 5?

Oh man! He was one of the headliners at my local con about 2 months ago. He definitely had fans.

I don’t think this cross over will be any good. Imagine John Cena was working for GI Joe in the Bumblebee movie. Or Josh Duhamel in the 1st or 2nd movie? Would those movies have been cooler or better because of it?

If you were one of the 50 survivors, you are now public enemy number one. You cannot walk the streets like you used to. So I can imagine a lot of them just faded away. And the ones that you see time and time again are the ones who didn’t want to stay hidden anymore and did something about their situation.

So people bought a game that will not work past 2024?

Smithers! Get me Mads Mikelssen!”

I noped when I heard one of the robots say “I like it...a lot” in one of the trailers.  Might as well bring back those jive robots.