
Why is this stat being used as a reasoning for blocking the merger? Is the regulator saying that if MS aquires Act/Bliz, it reduces the no. of publishers who can afford to spend big on development thereby consumer costs will rise if the few publishers left pass on the costs to consumers?  

deepfakes in 2016

So what’s a mechanical repo? And how much is it to fix/flush your car? Article doesn’t explain the severity of the issue.

For my preferences*, I would still buy a Bolt over this car.

Reserved/Assigned seating is the greatest thing.  It frees up so much of you time.  Take movies, for example, I literally get there almost when the movie starts and not have to worry that all that’s left is the front row.  

I was always under the assumption you can’t repo/latch a vehicle while someone is STILL in the car.

I always shake my head in disbelief when seeing a Suburban or heavy pick up truck navigating up and down a parking garage.

From the thumbnail image, I couldn’t tell the front from the back.  Hell, even close up I couldn’t tell until the wipers were moving.  

So watch all seasons below 10 + season 23.  Good to know that I stopped watching around season 14 or so.  

What is up with these holes at the sides and back of the ship? 

I remember my cousin telling me that he got invited to go with his buddy to E3 because his buddy owned a car stereo business.  He only went because it gave him free access to the adult expo next door.  

Who says it’s non playable? Maybe not at official tournaments (if they still have those) but all cards are fair game.  Also this may sound cliche but the value of this card is how much someone is willing to pay for it.  And who wouldn’t want that one card that can complete a collection.  

So what if he claims if it’s his or not? If he denies it, it goes to auction. If he claims it’s his, then what, it still goes to auction? Or he has to pay the very affordable docking fees?

Was auto pilot the reason Tesla was using a yoke? Like Elon watched one too many sci-fi movies when auto pilot was engaged, the steering wheel would go into the dashboard?

The DA couldn’t at least plea bargain attending anger management class?  

I liked the VW Beetle and PT Cruiser when it first came out. But that sheen wore off pretty quickly. Now I cringe when I see them on the road.  

Once in a while when I’m out walking my dog, I’ll stop in my local Gamestop to just browse. I’m always greeted by the one employee and the first thing that pops into my head is “why are you still here when you could work anywhere else?”

Where was the call center located? And was it a third party contractor?  If that was the case, I can see why they hit a brick wall as we all can attest talking to customer service.  

This!! I have 3 manual buttons to the right of my touch screen that controls the cars built in entertainment system (in addition to touchscreen). But I don’t use it because I just use CarPlay.

I haven’t heard half of the best picture nominations much less know about the movies actors are nominated for best and supporting roles. Cate Blanchet for “Tar”? When did that come out?