Benjario "Crow's Eye" NahariStark

I’m calling it now: The Browns are going 0-0-16 this season. 

I hope they change it to the dedication to his grandma. Goes to show family is important.

If I wanted to watch a big hunking turd barely float its way into a bowl, I’d rewatch the last season of Peyton Manning’s career.

It’s still too soon, but sometime down the line, I’d love to see a 7 season, 8/10 episode retelling of the series. Particularly with one creator at the helm–an aspiring Del Toro, if you will–so it’s a cohesive vision. There’s so much that the movies missed, and, because they were made in tandem with the release of the

“Guns aren’t the problem. Look at Chicago, where there are strict gun crimes!”

This isn’t a “Gamer” thing (though those still clinging to the Gamergate banner are likely worthy of your scorn)—it’s a feckless fucking asshat thing.

People who have power fantasies that play themselves out in murdering other people with a gun, when those people have no means of fighting back are exactly the kind of

GLHF, where the tournament was held, is one of my favorite bars in town and run by just the best folks. This is so awful :(

Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.  

Ugh. Enough already with the damn “this person has done a lot of good, therefore they could never have done anything wrong” letters. I can understand it’s hard to accept that a friend or idol might not be who you thought they were but keep your thoughts to yourself.

Any cop/agent/stormtrooper who follows illegal and unconstitutional directives is committing a crime. It takes bravery to stand up to power and these cops who do not are cowardly fascists.

Unfortunately for you too many sources collaborate Lamarr’s role, invention, and connection to modern technology.

Fortunately it doesn’t matter what you do or don’t believe.


So she’s going to star in a remake of Blazing Saddles?

*Random nerd doesn’t listen to Connor, launches Skynet*

Fuck can’t unsee it now.

I’m glad to see Hillary’s keeping busy.

No, see, it’s living tissue over a metal exoskeleton that is over living tissue that is over a metal endoskeleton. It’s like if Iron Man had a layer of flesh over his armor, and was also a Terminator inside of his armor. It’s Endoskelsception.