Ethan Allison

I see like eight different parting lines in there, plus threaded inserts, plus it’s hollow so it either has to have air blown in or some kind of crazy collapsing core. Plus there’s probably conformal cooling in the mold.

This is the first time I’ve heard of the IL secretary of state without his name and picture attached.

Put this on the back of the lid, put a chain on the lid that pulls the flush handle when it closes, and a proximity sensor to determine when you’ve finished with your business and close the lid AND flush for you.

It’s a tall hatchback that is styled like a tall hatchback. Hey, Every Other Car Maker, look! Remember these? They still sell well! Please make more!

Chip cards and some IDs already have memory in them, why not just store fingerprint/retina/face/etc data there and match it to the person using the ID instead of trying to guess a random person’s age?

That’s not a car, that’s a robot beaver with its internal organs replaced with chairs.

How about ERP software? Vital to every step of business processes, costs as much as a house, and every single one I've seen has confusing, inconsistent, and outdated interfaces that make me think these people are putting garlic around their door frames to ward off passing UX designers.

Do you have a tutorial to this that you can link to?

That’s different, isn’t it? Industrial equipment is usually part of a closed system with fewer hazards to design safety systems for, so EVERY incident that could have been prevented with better engineering controls is considered a design failure. Fatal car accidents, at least for the time being, are unavoidable, so if

People seem to be able to get in fatal distracted driving accidents just fine without Autopilot. Shouldn’t that factor into whether to release it, too?

No, the Willys IS his wife.

No, Uber Thug is different. It’s restricted to “menacing” cars and you can pay extra to have the driver walk you to the door carrying a baseball bat.

Like... like the screwdrivers?

I feel like this could be solved by making a “only porno” hashtag. Maybe 🍆?

Could you extend the modifier system they use for flags and skin tones to make poop usable in lots more places?

It should. It’s got depth sensing.

Last I heard they’re ignoring this and focusing more on self-walking pants

It looks like the skirts can turn with the wheels.

They have those already. They run off overhead lines like streetcars or trains, and some have batteries or engines for off-line power.

And they missed the chance to call it Passporsche. That’s shameful.