Ethan Allison

Why do people care so much about thickness?

Hopefully this comes in left-handed.

You're telling me there's no way to make a gender-neutral icon for "person getting married"?

Wait, 232 people were all using Amtrak at the same time and place outside of the Boston-DC lines?

I know you can with the Naga. Well, you can map the buttons to any key combo (i.e. Ctrl, Shift, and/or Alt + any letter/number) and map the key combo to anything via Photoshop/etc.

You really wanna go through the whole pairing process every time you use a new cash register?

Why not just shift+power or something like EFI Macs do?

They still need to get refurbished every 20 years or so, don't they? And I've never seen a super old commercial airliner, so I'm pretty sure they get sold to other countries or cargo lines.

Not really. Airplanes generally can't last more than 20 years without wearing out from the pressure inside them going up and down.

Sure they do. Macs are pretty distinctive.

Aren't they always going on about minimalism? The giant glowing logo isn't entirely minimal.

Why not just take the logo off?

Because they believe it is universally wrong to kill a human regardless of its condition. Their morals are based entirely on religion, yours sound like they're based entirely on science.

You're joking, right? You really think that robots will try to kill us when they get smart enough?

Facebook doesn't explicitly ban gore, yeah, but how is a picture of a MUTANT BABY WITH ITS BRAINS OOZING OUT anything but objectionable?

Because they're way more sensitive to higher temperatures than other kinds of lights

If Blair goes blind, will that mean a dog will have a guide dog THAT ALSO HAS A GUIDE DOG?

What about another laser that hits it at a low angle, could the two cancel each other out?

You can either make the phone smaller or the screen bigger

I could have sworn I heard something about ICS doing away with a need for physical buttons. Clearly, I was mistaken.