Don’t be a primitivist, it’s bigoted.
“The wakandans are supposedly a technologically advanced nation, the most advanced nation on earth it seems, and still they dress and act like barbarians”
People like you are exhausting to be around, and actually hinder progress because of how insufferable you are. You cant even fully enjoy something that is groundbreaking and progressive because its still not enough for you. It will never be enough.
Exactly! Hinduism has strong followings in Kenya and Uganda, a tribe in Africa following the religion isn’t out of the ordinary. And if nothing else, Shuri is huge into outside culture.
And yet a country that is smack dab in the middle of Africa worshiping an Egyptian Cat God is all fine and dandy? Honestly, this seems like such a stretch. This is 100% a writer taking interesting concepts and adapting them to fit a story, its not appropriation in anyway.
Make note. NO ONE is angry about it. Charles just made a post for clicks because it’s a slow news day.
Vegetarians can eat fish, but more importantly, they can catch it without consuming it.
Yeah, Charles is showing his ass here. None of this is cultural appropriation in the slightest.
Speaking as an actual Hindu, I thought the inclusion of Hanuman was rad. I also thought I was cool that the Jabari were vegetarians, since Hanuman is vegetarian.
> It is, in the most literal sense of the phrase, cultural appropriation
Excellent article! Icon was a great addition on the animated Justice League Unlimited series as well, would love to see him get more screen time.
I know the people who have seen it have said it’s great, but all the people in the comments who haven’t say it’s mediocre so I guess we’ll just have to see.
I definitely never thought about it every single day, and if anyone is doing so, I think therapy is in order. You can support dealing with a problem without having it take over your life.
Good lord. Get therapy.
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
Times a billion
This x100.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.