
Doo doo, doo doo, do do doooo do do do dooooo.


For example. "Hide a bed" couches... The one piece of furniture I refuse to help any friend move. They weigh 900 pounds and for some reason everyone has to have either in basements or in the attic where you have to negotiate a stairwell with them.

I loved the Saints Row series. The first three games, at least.

Season 3, Frank Underwood attempts to take down god thereby starting the chain of events that leads to the cards falling.

Steam is the standout, in what is generally a pretty bad bunch.

All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.

You're missing the point. I think that's what Gita is actually advocating for. She's saying not enough games take frame rates seriously enough. Whereas the conversation tends to be around 30/60/whatever is fastest, Gita's saying developers should figure out what's appropriate for the game they're designing and make

Ok lets give the "smart" thermostat a rest can we? It should be noted the standard ones they put in homes, the cheap kinda, are exactly programmable like you said. They let you program them since the 90s (maybe a lot earlier), it lets you choose temp based on time of day. Most do.


This from CNN: A Few Things Not Perfect in Israel/Palestine Negotiations.

small quibble, "road rage" implies losing it over some trivial driving faux pas. Someone rear-ending you at a stop light is grounds for maximum apeshit fury.

Kid: AHHH MY NECK, MY BACK, AHHHHH!!!.... Wait, he doesn't have insurance?!

my sarcasm meter just exploded

As a native to Chicago's South Side, I approve your message and appreciate the laugh.

Corruption? From Chicago? Noooooo....

That's the "with special offers" price. The without ads price is $219. Nah.

That's the "with special offers" price. The without ads price is $219. Nah.

Tell ya what Tyler, if anyone asked me to take a drive over and drop shit on those brutal bastards, the airplane I'd take would have more than one fucking engine.

Why did they split younger adults and adults if the hours are the same? Do they expect something to change soon?

Battlfield: Hardline has a ton of community support involved in its development. A lot of extremely negatively-received mechanics (visual recoil, vehicle handling) have come into play in Hardline's development so as to create one of the most mechnically refined games in the series. It was made from the ground up to be