
A nertwerk caber is... unprugged..?

Just think of the kickbacks!

Yay! More construction! I LOVE when the expressways are shit during the 9 months Chicago isnt frozen.

The whole thing about the terminator raising Sarah Connor is what makes it different enough to want to see it actually. I want to know how and who sent the T 800 that far back.

This cactus is obviously involved in a robbery as it's holding its hands up.

You drink from the blue cup, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

SO sucks and won't be any good, given epoch is coming for A3 is coming along very nicely.

Dear Diary, the Internet lived up to my expectations again today.

In Mother Russia, plane rides you.

I believe the author has not spent any considerable amount of time with a windows tablet. Leaving the desktop side out, the metro UI is the most useful and best tablet UI out there. Modern IE has some great UI and UX.

Driving 375 miles in a blizzard, finding out 250 miles in that the wife had skipped the last two oil changes when the engine began seizing up on the highway. Five quarts of oil and an extremely tense three hours later we made it to my mother's. Surprisingly, the car crapped out six months later because of mostly

Fun fact - I'm 135 pounds, but I can finish 2 fetus sized chipotle burritos.

Wilson was assaulted by a man who was trying to take his weapon, proceeding to shoot his assailant in self defense. The autopsy supports the story of Officer Wilson and the eyewitness' accounts. The verdict is justified.

A tech article with a final comment that throws all the evidence out the window and makes claims against a police officer that aren't based on any facts.

Not trying to gang up on you, but youre skipping over this:

So is this a tech article or a vessel to express your opinions on the Michael Brown incident? Because you make some very biased and ill informed assertions at the end.

I'm sure the humans will be protected by the little fence. Have no fear.

Sure, why not. Which is which, by the way?

i'd just like to be able to mount my nexus 7 in a 2din holder with the proper cabling harness without having to hack and fab a bunch of stuff to do it. you can keep these proprietary carputers, i just want my own