
Is this Chapter 14 update available on the FF XV Windows Edition at launch or a later date? I cannot find anything on Steam or an article specifically stating that; just the “Royal Edition” for console.

I consider XIII to have a better story and a better built world than XV, by a healthy margin.

As an Overwatch player real sports, nerds.

We can tell. Your weird sense of what should be considered disrespectful gives it away.

A large amount of prominent internet gamers are trash people with no social ability. Who would have ever guessed?

An entire industry that pales in comparison to watching almost anything else, whether it is sports or sitcoms. Maybe he won’t find support in the comment section, but he will find plenty of support elsewhere.

The DS4 is the best controller for the PC.

y tho

This is nostalgia speaking. In actuality, it is all bad.

I have never been more embarrassed to play video games.

The problem for game developers is that you have every kid into video games and fresh out of high school wanting to become one. If you don’t want to work 60 hours a week and dedicate out-of-office time to the job, they will find a kid that dreamed of this all his life to do it. If working at McDonald’s had a limited

Law is canceled! Albert Burneko, someone clearly qualified to make this decision, has said so.

Does the above seem professional to you?

That’s all very weird to me, but as long as you’re not a drain on society I guess?

That’s some #foreveralone type stuff. You’re better off.

Dude isn’t brake checking people with an 11 month old baby in the car.

My 2011 GTI has been APR Stage 2 since 2013 I believe, and I’ve had essentially no issues. I’d say I have at least 30,000 miles since going Stage 2. I’ve essentially added ~85 HP and ~90 ft-lb with only a flash, downpipe and intake. Worth every penny.

I hook my phone up to rentals a lot, and often forget to delete it from the history. But also like you, I try to delete any remaining phones from the bluetooth whenever I obtain the rental...and hope karma is in my favor.

Who cares that they’ve been reaching out to Valve? Why should Valve give this any due respect?

Airlines do charge more for heavier luggage. There are tiers starting at approximately 50 lbs depending on airline.