
You mean you don't act like you're appraising cattle when you meet someone new?

That's why I love Movie Pooper.

I can think of few shows where the creator and writers just straight up loathed all the characters so much.

Ottawa is pretty fantastic. Way more affordable than Toronto. But Montréal has the best food scene.

I have a friend who matchmakes here in Toronto and actually started a Canadian Girlfriend dating site for jokes during the election. Then Rob Ford But Somehow Goddamn Worse got elected and she killed it because it became super depressing instead of funny.

I think in telling a story about abuse/escaping abuse/trauma, that having him be gross-but-somehow-still-sympathetic was a good choice. Most abusers aren't just straight up villains.

He's been shooting under par, but let's see if he can hit the TRIPLE-HITLER!!

Someone here linked to a thread suggesting it's wasteful to not re-purpose women's corpses for… uses.

So what's your solution there?

I take solace in the fact it was significantly less than 50% of the (eligible to vote) electorate.

I read through several threads there. Besides the bitter laugh that came from the "what has Trump actually done for the country?" question having like, 20 comments, it seems the supporters disappear like smoke in the wind when it comes to actually answering any questions. Like reading through the DTJr email chain

I mean, I guess? But it feels like it's always one side that has to reach out to the other. How come they just get to sit there petulantly and shit all over the place?

I was talking with a friend about 'virtue signalling' the other day. Like it's so bizarre that a person might genuinely be concerned about other people, that they've invented this fantasy that instead it's all just an act for… reasons.

God, we're all fucked.

When I first saw a McGriddles billboard on a trip to the states, I thought it was satire.

I keep trying to choose to be idly wealthy and it's just not panning out like I'd hoped.

/Martin Shkreli fumes

Come to Canada and celebrate our nation! Come to Toronto, specifically! We have a big duck on loan for the weekend at Harbourfront + a permanent Beavertails store!

I'm offended as a fan and as a graphic designer.

'And Let's Be Real, Even the Parts That Aren't'