
It is real. Plenty of people can be sex addicts, all kinds of personalities and egos. Just as you don’t have to be an addict to be an asshole or an entitled douche, you can quite easily be an addict without being either of those things.

They also say that guys who get addicted to porn/sexts/whatever have actual erectile-dysfunction issues, when finally approaching actual sex with a human partner. Your dopamine reward system gets all fucked-up by an addiction... I have no trouble believing that it’d have somatic effects like that.

With Weiner? I have no fucking clue. He could simply be a narcissistic sexual predator without the faintest glimmer of loyalty to his wife, concern for his young child, or respect for the women he chooses to message.

They’re not mutually exclusive. One can have an addiction while also being an entitled ass. Addiction doesn’t excuse assholery; it simply provides a psycho-biological explanation for it.

While I’m not ruling out the possible that he’s an IRL creep, it is entirely possible that he has a sext addiction, so to speak. Studies have shown that visual or audio cues signaling the arrival of a text message, tweet, etc. triggers the same synaptic response as pulling the lever on a slot machine. Basically, it

I don’t think the point LovePrayFear was trying to make was that white women should have the impunity that white men do. I think it was an observation that the blue wall of silence doesn’t seem to stand as strongly for women and non-white officers, which is likely true. That doesn’t absolve this officer or Liang of

So to review:

No, that’s his humor. He would 100% go on the show if they asked and would be on the show the entire time saying, “I need a classy act” while doing cheesy reenactments of all of his movies.

But I love Hugh Grant. Unapologetically not marriage material. Would we rather he lie? I prefer people to speak their truth. Makes choosing an appropriate partner a lot easier!

I’m not white and I love him.

Yup. In fact, if you printed just the statement and asked me to guess who made it, he’d be one of my first few guesses.

Oh yeah. In another post I described Hugh Grant as being like Dorian Grey’s attic portrait, with years of debauchery etched into his features. I stand by that description.

Because the Russian government pays them better to go after the Democratic party.

And then donate to the opponents of the bad guys! Even if you don’t live there! But especially if you do live there.

The capacity of the downtrodden to believe in the lie of unfettered capitalism is truly remarkable and depressing.

Jill Stein thinks wifi rots your brain, and though you’re providing pretty solid evidence of that belief, that’s up there with being a vaccine truther. Oh shit, she’s also a vaccine truther.

Well, voting third party so you can remain morally pure which is effectively the same as casting a vote for Trump/Pence/GOP will definitely ensure that will happen.

Do you live in FL, OH, or PA?

Look up a guy at Harvard named B.C. Burden. He did the definitive analysis of the 2000 election and determined, mathematically, that YES, Nader swung that election. I'll take the word of a Harvard statistician over an internet commentator, but that's just me.