
“Boring, repetitive and nowhere near as exciting or original as everyone seems to think were (they were just presenting their ripped off black artist’s music in an easy to swallow package).” Seriously: examples? That accusation would fly if you were talking about the Stones, but it doesn’t really apply with the

That group is like a delicious hamburger, and Dylan is like the blue cheese on it. Why do you enjoy something that tastes like that? It doesn’t make sense, but you like it just the same. That has always been my take on Bob “Blue Cheese” Dylan. I enjoy him.

No worries. I love early Dylan (I love “Positively 4th Street” - it is my imagined revenge against a frenemy). BUT. I cannot STAND Joan Baez’ s voice. Not even for a second. I can’t stand any high-pitched voice.

I think it depends on how you view his music. I’m a writer so to me his voice and music were always back seat to what he was saying. I wouldn’t listen to Dylan if I just wanted some good background music but his lyrics are just so memserizing. His voice grew on me.

GROWN WOMEN do not need your “encouragement” on what to do or not to do with our bodies based on what you think looks best. If you don’t understand why that is paternalistic and annoying, there is no help for you. Woman after woman has explained it to you, but you continue to refuse to take a moment to think about why

Some women want enormous, obviously fake boobs. All women are aware all boobs sag. No woman needs you pulling a “ladieeez listen here” lecture/hot take.

Get over yourself! Have any fucking opinion you want. What we don’t need is your opinion, and then so kindly suggesting how to be based on your fucking opinion! That’s the point. Women do not need or want your help based on what you find attractive. Women are free to do what they want with their bodies. You may not

That's literally not what anyone said. You're free to any opinion you want. What you can't do is be super helpful and give suggestions to women on how they should get implants based on what you find attractive. Don't be obtuse just because.

Sure you can but keep it to yourself, no one wants/needs/cares about your opinion so stop acting like we should. I find your attitude gross but im not out there on blogs telling me how to act.

I don’t think women’s bodies are grotesque. I *do* think some of the things women put in/ on their bodies are grotesque (Tupperware bowl looking implants, lip fillers, etc.)

That’s totally fine!

Is a woman allowed to have an opinion on this? Because I agree with him, those humongous perfectly round implants look grotesque. Yes, women have the right to do that to themselves. And the rest of us have the right to say it looks terrible.

Move on, duder.

You did. By deciding your opinion on women’s bodies and what they do with them and how you find them unattractive needed to be shared to us, because you’re the arbiter of everything!

K. As far as I’m concerned women can do whatever they want with their bodies.

Ladies thinking about getting breast implants can do it however they and their doctors see fit. If someone wants giant balls on their chest, that is entirely their choice.