Lex Luthor's Saintly Twin

Why pick the ones where it seems more likely than not to be a clean shoot? I feel like flying out for Castille or the Tulsa guy would make more sense.

That’s my main complaint. I don’t care that these post are on Deadspin (via The Concourse). I care that some are on Deadspin, some are on Jezebel, some are on Gizmodo... There used to be one place that most of these types of articles lived, now they’re spread all over the place.

ah, i see, people WOULD support protest if it was absolutely 100% peaceful at all times and no butterflies were harmed or blades of grass were stepped on but apparently someone farted too loudly so THAT’S the reason why the rest of america is opposed to the protests and not rampant virulent racism, good to know.

Video won't change anything. Black people will still be violent and SJWs will forgive them.

At what point do we stop labeling these actions a “protest” and call a spade a spade? These are riots, not protests. The second people start destroying property...riot.

Exactly. Concourse used to be fun stuff about food and drinking and being an adult that can’t stay clean. This isn’t fun.

Shit ain’t going over any ledge, if perhaps it was an amazing turn out of people somehow being utterly peaceful, and showing that they understand solidarity, maybe...., but no, too much looting, and violence, most the country is not behind this, and cannot ignore that.

Why are they still being referred to as protesters? This was nothing more than a riot about a black man with a gun being killed by a black cop after not following instructions.

With how chaotic this situation is, I don’t blame them for wanting to be kitted up.

Why are you still pushing the narrative that this guy was shot while unarmed? They have dashcam video and witness statements stating otherwise. The whole “holding a book” thing was from his DAUGHTER who wasn’t even there at the time of the incident! You look at the guy’s extensive record pertaining to guns and somehow

Yes...but on the other hand, the militarization of police to the point where medics have body armor has seriously negative long-term portents for American society, far more than a few days of rioting and looting...

2015 on average roughly 16 black people were killed by other blacks, while less than 1 a day were killed by cops. 16 times more. Where is the outrage for this violence?

Such a sad situation for so many reasons. Mainly because these people rioting, vandalizing, and looting do not actually care. Never in history has this type of violent demonstration ever caused any improvement to a situation.

That is like feeding a stray cat. Give them what the riot ask for, they riot for everything. There was zero reason this escalated and should not be so racially charged, but somehow... it did and is. A shame.

As a former Charlotte resident this is sad, always such an easygoing town. However I fail to see how a black officer shooting a black citizen prompts the beating of a white man in a parking garage and a call for a ban on white businesses. The protesters are determined to make this a racial issues and reinforce the

Dressed all in black, red backpack and (unsuccessfully) trying to launch a molotov cocktail. Sounds like one of those asshole career agitators who show up to any protest.

What doesn’t work:

Not one mention of rampant looting and trying to throw a reporter into a fire.

A black person was murdered at a protest for a murdered black person and no one gives a fuck

Hey look at this guy with the pink guitar!