Lex Luthor's Saintly Twin

Thanks for speaking for us as I also never realized that the look is not in style anymore. Fuck these pansies and their pastel polo bullshit.

Do you realize how many citizens own a firearm? If you ban the NRA, they’ll just send their check directly to their Congressman. You think that would be better?

I think anytime is a good time to talk about it, but no matter when you do, you won’t get anywhere.

Show up to camp weighing over 300 pounds, for starters. The guy was a lazy, drunken slob. That’s why he was so out of shape. He didn’t study his playbook and took no efforts to really improve as a player. He was the classic “I got my signing bonus, thanks, see ya!” guy.

It’s better than being a blogger at a bankrupt news aggregator!

If you work in a low-skilled service industry, say housekeeping, working on a razor-thin margin is the only way you can operate.

That’s “bated breath”, Sir.

lol - Fortunately, he laid this egg on the road or else I’m sure the Philly fans would have lit his ass up and he wouldn’t be quite so happy.

Anyone that doesn’t like my cargo pants/shorts/wardrobe, is free to climb into one of my many pockets and blow me.

You’d charge them to the team ERA. They’d be like inherited runners, but instead of tagging them to the relieved pitcher you’d just stick them with the club.

No argument there, except for unlike Manziel, the fucking Raiders actually played the guy. I can see keeping him on the roster and hoping someone offers you a 6th round pick and a used Toyota for him, but to start the guy? Jesus.

I dunno about that. Russell was always tagged with the “immature partying idiot” label, just like Johnny Boy. Most of that was because he was a fat pig the entire time he was a Raider, which led to rumors that he was partying all the time. He also loved his Purple Drank.

Russell drank his ass off. He partied nonstop and it was never a secret.

I haven’t read the piece, haven’t been to the Undefeated and have no plans to ever do so, but in its defense this is the slow time of the year for sports. They have to deliver content in a time where there’s not much going on.

Are you kidding? JaMarcus Russell lasted longer than Manziel and by all accounts was at least as fucking stupid.

See, to me this argument boils down to “Let a black person run it and let’s see how they do.” Why? I have no reason to suspect that Hollywood is run by racists hellbent on depriving minorities on management positions.

I think if anyone else was capable of “taking their place at the top from them” they would actually, you know, do it instead of bitching about the consequences that stem from their failure to come close to doing so.

I agree with you, but it begs the question: If that shit doesn’t appeal to the average ESPN visitor, why have it affiliated with the site at all?

Are you kidding? It was featured on ESPN’s landing page every day of its existence. I think Simmons thought it was a “prestige sports website” but, if so, what was the point of all the Rembert bullshit and the like?

As a Blues fan, they can go straight to Hell.