I just watched it on youtube, that's some real power he exercises in that scene! Amazing.
I just watched it on youtube, that's some real power he exercises in that scene! Amazing.
Whatever replaces humans will be really scratching their heads trying to figure out what caused that tiny layer of plastic in the Earth's stratigraphy.
Yes. Not this year sadly, but they'd rent a big hall at the fancy hotel and hundreds of people would show up. Most of them leave after dinner, but the ones who stayed would get very liquored up and much shenanigans would ensue. Big dance floor and tons of booze, easily one of the best nights of the year.
The whole plot line was dumb as hell, I don't for a second dispute that. But the scene in question makes sense for how the played it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if it was another woman Ramsey wouldn't have made Theon watch because he wouldn't have been as attached to her as his adopted sister.
I would say in this particular case the narrative is justified just given Theon and Ramsey's history. Ramsey goes out of his way to brutalize Theon at every given turn… it sucks for Sansa but makes sense from what we know about Ramsey.
I got a new phone and the autocorrect is still running amok.
Why would Thea want to leave? Oliver knew what was going to happen, he knew the shit he was going to wade through. Thea has just been on the receiving end of the trauma, she never had his years away to harden her and she didn't have knowledge about the sacrifice required to save the city.
I kind of thought that the whole reason Santa's rape panned to Theon was
A) so we didn't have to watch it
B) but more had to do with his domination of Theon. He's always had kind of a obsession with him (highlighted in the books) and raping his adopted sister in front of him shows how powerless he was, shows again to…
If you read the 'World of Ice and Fire' it goes into that. The maesters all think that the world should have normal seasons, but it doesn't and since they live in their pre industrial era they just roll with "magic" because it's strongly implied to be tied to dragons somehow.
Maybe God Speedster never played with the timeline so they don't really care about him, Flashpoint seems to be what triggered the invasion.
Sara isn't dumb enough to leave her time machine to that bunch of yahoos…
The old president didn't like guys in Halloween costumes, the new president thinks it's okay.
I think you're projecting, the casual/overt racism that Trump was espousing was a separate issue (but far more odious). In my opinion it has more to with the Bush-Clinton dichotomy that has dominated America since 1988. Even the Obama years saw a Clinton as secretary of state. This passing of power between scions…
I think it was the historical allusions to the days of yore when American manufacturing was the end all and be all and you could make a good wage doing it.
There's an interview kicking around somwehere where Ben admits as much. Apparently they knew pretty early on that he was quite a bit better.
Trump wasn't dumb, he had almost no ground support and spent very little cash… so he took the media for a ride. Every time he spouted nonsense (many times) the media lapped it up and said "no way does this guy win" nationally. That's free publicity is what that is.
As an Albertan I'm no fan of Treadeau, but he's been pretty tolerable though as a PM. Wynn though, her handling of Hydro and the power file has sorely hurt Ontario and it's going to take a long, long time to fix.
If you're seventy and have achieved the level of fame and fortune that Trump has, wealth is meaningless. The presidency though… it's a sacred office. For the rest of American history you'll be remembered (and maybe maligned), but your legacy is enshrined forever. Your name and your children will have a presidency…
Republican primaries: I just want to show these clowns I can win
Election: Meh, maybe I'll get a TV show or a movie deal out of it… free publicity!
August: Jesus Christ people hate Hillary, I could actually win!
November 9th 2016: What to do, what to do…