
Or a handy.

A warranty... oh man, that’s a good one. Maybe they’ll wash it and give you a handy before you drive off, too.

So, when will we finally rename it to Urectum, to end these stupid jokes?

Very fishy to me. As a Navy veteran, I can tell you that on top of all the highest technological radar and early warning equipment, our ships have more people on deck with binoculars than the stands at a NASCAR event. I honestly can’t see any legit reason this could happen.

Now playing

The V is the big distinguishing point so I’ll go NP, not that many of these floating around and lower mileage examples fetch over $30.

I see a flaw in your plan - no way is he going to blow $3500 on a single vehicle when he could pick up a half-dozen clapped out pieces of shit vintage Jeeps for that price. Maybe if you promise to do the transaction late at night, well off the beaten path, and throw in the possibility of him being kidnapped or

What’s with you people that keep forgetting to close the garage door? How is it not muscle memory by now?

There’s no proof of that. Pure disinformation.

Former registered Republican here. I bowed out of that party in 2012 when it was apparent that they hadn’t represented my interests in a good long time. I knew Donald Trump would be an embarrassment to the country and himself, but he’s just over the top with everything.

Mr. Trump, I have some news for you: you WON the

Tax the wealthy? Why do they get all the breaks?

Racism, what is so racist about it? Was this to sensitive for you. Do you need a sanctuary city to hide out the racism?  

I would rather:

LOL good catch. Correcting now.

A well-thought out, reasoned response:

Yeah, it’s our own damn fault for listening to our elders who said get a college degree, work hard, you’ll own your own home, you’ll have a secure life....

I didn’t say any of what you were mentioning but, I did generalize and say most I.e. Like 8/10 I know appreciate comedy enough to laugh at themselves as well as other people. That’s what makes Corden funny to me and many of my friends. Because of your comment being so laced with egoism, it's clear why you wouldn't