
Tax the wealthy? Why do they get all the breaks?

The DMV is a worthy opponent of inefficiency... it gets the best of us all.

Spy plane to help protect Trump. That would be my guess.

I guess Bernie was right when he said Hillary didn’t stand a chance vs Donald Trump. Who’s laughing now Democrats? Your ignoramous selfishness has elected an egomaniac who thinks of himself as a fascist dictator rather than a president.

Fuck you, it wasn’t entitlement for FDR to provide employment to the depression generation after Wall St. fucked the economy. Why should millennials be metaphysically hung for the baby boomers and generation X’s terrible decision making?

Seems like it’s traditional to blame those younger generations who’re going to take over the reins of the voting majority, among other things. It’s no wonder they don’t blame millennials for astronomical things like the Chelyabinsk Meteor, because it’s just as nonsensical. You make your bed and you lie in it past

Fuck that... seriously

I actually thought it was great that Facebooks spy satellite blew up. I practically threw a party. The surveillance state doesn’t need any help OP.

Specific generations are generalized by the media and most of it is true. There're clear patterns of behavior across generational lines. Don't kid yourself. Try to find a millennial that wears a watch or doesn't have a cell phone and/or smartphone.

I didn’t say any of what you were mentioning but, I did generalize and say most I.e. Like 8/10 I know appreciate comedy enough to laugh at themselves as well as other people. That’s what makes Corden funny to me and many of my friends. Because of your comment being so laced with egoism, it's clear why you wouldn't

You must be a baby boomer or a gen x’er. Millennials like me love him and think he's hilarious. Maybe you should lighten up and learn to love sarcasm, and parody, as much as regular comedy.

Well.. at least it doesn't burst into flames ?

Good, I hope all these For-Profit education scumbags go bankrupt and are charged.

Stargate Universe

Pics or it didn't happen

You forgot about Hillary wanting to go to War in Syria or Backdooring Encryption with her “Manhattan Project for breaking Encryption” or how she is still for the TPP and fracking. You need a mental evaluation if you seriously like Clinton or Trump.

You aren't really offered a choice in a country that values sociopathic capitalism > equal opportunism

They're responsible, not an ignorant generation who doesn't care about others . Also the economy right now is horrible for millennials to do anything.

Entertaining but, this is the same company that is sueing a person with a YouTube channel that shows you how to repair common Apple devices, not like they don't deserve it.

Dell has good products?