Esprit de L'Escalier

No, it's matching the bra to your skin. Trust us on this. If you wear a white bra with a white shirt, the bra shows through like crazy. If you replace it with a "nude" bra, the bra will blend in with your skin so it's not so obvious where your bra ends and begins. It's the same with pretty much any light colored or

My niece's dance class all had to wear the same color tights even though it looked bizarre on all of the girls! It was way too light for the brown girls and way too dark for the white girls. I guess they were going for uniformity but I found it super distracting that no ones bottom half matched their top half.

As an example, white t-shirts tend to need a flesh-toned bra. Often the fabric is thin and you can see the bra through the fabric. Many other blouses and shirts are this way too.

White clothes and some thin fabrics. You can see a white or colored bra through them, so one that matches your skin tone looks a lot less conspicuous. As a Whitey McWhiterson, I've never had to think about it (privilege and all that) but I'm glad it exists for women of color now.

Nude bras are of a color that blends somewhat with your skin, so you can wear light-colored tops without WHITE BRA screaming through the fabric (this especially happens in photos.) obviously dark bras are also incompatible with light shirts.

I never knew this wasn't a thing already! Wow. Sometimes one's white privilege strikes you in the least expected places.

As a former dance mom, it bothered me that all of the dancers had to wear the same "nude" color tights, because I thought it looked odd on the other girls who weren't the color of Casper.

Huzzah! Nude bras for everyone! (Sorry big busted ladies, you're going to have to wait a little longer. :( )

I've seen no video from before the elevator, but in the elevator he hits her first. And hits her twice. And looks as if he spit at her.

She isn't saying that you should give up your team or loving your team. She's saying that you should recognize that supporting your team (and through them the NFL) while being disgusted at the way the NFL handled the situation makes you a hypocrite. She doesn't say "bad person". She says "hypocrite".

Wow, I never knew this was a problem! I'm glad though that this is happening, as a fellow woman.

Good question because in the very beginning of the video I see him spit on her which seems to provoke the slap. I know people were thinking she started it with the slap which in the beginning was what I thought they arrested her on. What is clear is that this isn't the start of the fight, so maybe they caught her

That camera is talking. It is talking loud and clear and it doesn't have very many nice things to say.

I don't get that either, I saw him hit first, she defended and then he came back with the blow. She never hit him first.

The Ravens sending that tweet was like a third punch to Janay's head.

After seeing the inside the elevator video, can somebody please explain why Janay was charged with assault?

I already have people (friends of friends) on Facebook talking about "well I don't see why I should care if she went running back to him." can't. even.

uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.

Jesus Motherfucking Christ on a bicycle in June. This CANT be real. Real, rational human beings can't possible operate like this.
