
As a daily 6 train rider, I concur.

I’m a Packers fan and I can’t believe these fuck-wits are claiming this interaction with Cam Newton ruined their day.

It’s different in that it’s a thousand times worse than a punch

But what you believe is incorrect. So there’s that...

There’s another factor related to that—a lot of players have complained that the crackdown on high tackling (because brain trauma is bad PR) have led to more knee and ankle injuries. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but a torn ACL is more noticeable and keeps a player out longer than a concussion does.

“Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...” - south park

In a Mexican restaurant.

I don’t know, this one is tough to beat.

Jason Pierre Paw

Nice logo timing by the TV crew, too.

I'm just wondering if somewhere there's a guy with a story about buying cheap softcore porn and finding out it was actually X-men Legends.

What the fuck kind of Cobra Kai is that?

FYI if you missed the first round, feel free to email me your stories! I got so many that I have to do a few posts here :)

You can’t triple stamp a double stamp...

Is Buzzfeed contacting you about your new internet fame as we speak?