
We also used to joke that manual transmissions were anti-theft devices, but I don’t think it’s a joke anymore... they really are!

Exactly, I have a friend that does something similar and she loves it. But she’s making under $10 an hour after expenses.

Well yes and no. My premium plan included streaming to 4 devices at a time. Now Netflix changed the way it describes it’s service and the 4 devices need to be in the same household. Not a problem but it’s not for me so I cancelled my subscription.

simple as that.

No, I pay for a plan that specifically in the fine print says, “Watch on 4 different devices at the same time with Premium.” Nowhere in that particular fine print does it specify that those 4 devices have to be located in the same place.

Um, no because in literally every other market it was sold, you could legally register and drive it.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

I’m too exhausted between making dinner after a long day at my full-time job and getting ready to go to my side hustle to attempt to engage with you about the relative merits of coherent urban planning vs the risks of greater population density. But let me just ask:

ok but were not vulcans. do you expect everyone to bottle up their feelings so you dont feel bad?

Remember when Tesla touted their used resale value by guaranteeing a certain residual amount? This is basically the opposite of that, they are going to ruin the used value of their cars doing this. Your X you bought last week is now $13k less valuable even if you have not taken delivery yet! 

On the plus side, it won’t make anyone miss a domestic connection since it was *all* US flights. 

Working in IT: It’s still the first thing you should try. Still works.

have they tried turning it off and on again?

You forgot to mention the Twitter Space that Hotz hosted yesterday, where Musk naively called for a “total rewrite” of the whole twitter stack, and then received well deserved pushback from an actual engineer:

People don’t understand the finance perspective on things. 

If that cash would’ve or could’ve been invested and you can get a good interest rate, paying cash is a bad idea. My $27k car that I bought in 2012 with cash (that had been invested and would’ve otherwise stayed invested) has cost me like $55k in opportunity cost. The dealer would’ve given me 2% financing and instead I

If I’m a Russian oligarch and my yacht is only worth $700k, I’d want to vanish too.

Andy Bernard punched a hole in the wall and is a descendant of slave owners born into obscene wealth

Bahaha are you really both siding this?

But they only deleted it yesterday after West praised Hitler