
Honestly, at first I just thought “ovals are boring”, but have since realized I was very much wrong about that - the strategies are actually fascinating. But I do find it to be very confusing with the various series being run and the drivers moving around a lot. I am also not a huge fan of the “stages” in the race, or

I did not realize saying Trump is a worse person than Hillary was a defense of her, my apologies. I guess you think the actual rapist is better than she is?

My only friend is the all mighty dollar and that sucker is raping us all.

Yeah, Trump was way better than Hillary, I forgot all about how enjoyable those 4  years were.

He has certainly left quite the void. Personally, he was the perfect person. A family man, playing with toys all day long, and more than happy to share his experiences with anyone who cared. I am honestly quite surprised as to how sad his passing has made me. I regret taking him for grated for the past 15 years.

This guy is just so believable though....

The fact that the viper is not on this list is very surprising. That car is actively trying to kill the driver in good conditions.

Like, his legs have to be gone right?

Blatantly disinterested in governing.”

33 cars and 2 of them are buggatti’s - 5 million seems like a serious lowball estimate.

It’s all just selfish nonsense. Literally running around the white house pulling her hair out yelling “but what about ME?!” while the capital building is overrun by an angry mob.

I for one look forward to a slow and methodical mental and physical decline being cared for by minimum wage workers until my body just gives out.

He literally is just feeding superiority complexes. There is not really a counter to that beyond - “dude, you’re not that special, get over yourself” and that isn’t a very convincing message to someone with a superiority complex. 

Honestly, I think it just took them an hour to draft up the statement they finally issued and that’s what delayed everything.

lol, one question on specifics and he literally melts

Funny thing about that, the opposite is probably true - they probably vent better. As mentioned in the article, the water is going to exist and manifest somewhere, unless you can remove it. They suggest a dehumidifier, but osmosis is nature’s dehumidifier.

My favorite part about that whole thing is they should have just literally done a traffic study. It would have accomplished their goal, while also providing a legitimate cover

I think people are misconstruing what he meant - the quote specifies “proximity that once you get within a certain degree”, to me this reads like once 2 cars are battling, active areo can level the playing field for the following car in places other than the straights. The leading car has the advantage of clean air