
I think they get the concept, and definitely would have it clear before kindergarten that you can't tell a teacher to fuck off. And, while I'm okay with cursing, hopefully that doesn't include telling anyone to fuck off, or at least reserve it for a big occasion!

Happy happy birthday dear copper boom, happy birthday to you!

You are not crazy - anyone who thinks it's appropriate to give people shit about what they name their kid is crazy! So rude. I have a policy of keeping names to myself until the baby is born and it's a done deal, with the assumption that people will then keep their mouths shut…

Wow. Your friends were really assholes to you and that sucks, and I'm sorry they acted that way. Ugh.

I'm in love with this comment.

eh, ignore the haters.

"it's only been two months"

I want to create a new sign on just to click the star again.

I think she meant people offering up tickets to a show because their babysitter cancelled and they can't use the tickets. And apparently, weighing out the horror of having to see baby photos against the horror of possibly missing tickets to a show is a really stressful dilemma…..

My pet peeve is people complaining about their Facebook pet peeves.

Yeah, but I'd rather see 8 baby pics a week than buzzfeed quizzes, posts about the gym, or pictures of lattes. And, though it's probably hard to believe for people who think baby pics on fb are a huge annoyance, a lot of people feel that way. Plenty of times I've seen comments begging people for more baby pics!

basic itches!

basic pitches.

I also find the "fb makes people miserable" thing strange. It's happy to see happy things going on with friends! I do post happy things, but also when my life took a horrible turn, I posted that stuff too - and have gotten a lot of support through fb.

it's like Sylvester McMonkey McBean and the Sneetches - star-on machine, star-off machine, it's all about the Benjamins.

Definitely true that it depends on location. I live in a walkable, baby-friendly area, with access to subways and buses. When I get glimpses into the lives of moms who are home a lot and drive to get from one place to another, my mind is sort of blown because I can't imagine it. (I'm in NY not Europe).

Everyone should do what works for them (if they can), and I agree w most everything you say except one thing - being a stay at home mom doesn't necessarily mean being home by one's self all the time (and yes, I'm assuming by "by one's self" you meant at home with the baby). I mean when my kids were babies I wasn't

Well it's not lard anymore! Tada. They became kosher in 1997, after a 3 year process, most importantly getting rid of the lard.

I don't think this is exactly a prank, but they call it one, and there's nothing mean about it:

On what planet is that in any way funny? What is WRONG with people?!