Esme Squalor4

And it’s all so contrived.

Oh, Emma Thompson! The things we could do together! In addition to the sexy sex, how fun would she bet to get brunch with after. You know the woman would be a grade-A world class gossiper. I bet she’d call up Winslet and get her to dish as well.

This is not true for every country. My good friend is an Olympic showjumping groom for a non-US competitor and the country arranged their flight.

Meh. I actually don’t have much of a dog in this fight. And there’s plenty of people who are correcting my perception of his phenotypical appearance. Who the fuck knows.

You’ve seen Joe Jackson, right? Guess what color his eyes are.

Join the club Angela.

Maybe its an awesome sort of horcrux and she’s haunting him.

Go re-read my comment. I’m was referencing others — who UNLIKE GWB have these reasons. It is not terribly well-written.

I’m not sure how you could stand in their presence and not be in awe of their class and gravitas. Even GWB can sense the Obama greatness.

So old.

Twinsies! One side of my labia minora is longer than the other! With one exception, no dude or woman I’ve ever slept with has mentioned it. And when the one dude did I offered to give an aesthetic critique of his body.

It just screams middle America.

It is known. (tryin’ out my dated pop culture references).

For the love of god, someone get that man some gum!!!

I mean, we’re as fucked up as any other family (trust). But they are awesome. We are all awesome and have so much untapped potential. I’m sure you’re doing what you can and more than you know.

I’ve seen my dad cry maybe 3 times in my life. He choked up on the phone the other night when commenting he thought that he’d never see this kind of ugliness again in his lifetime. That’s probably partially his straight white male privilege talking. But it was still pretty heartbreaking. The good news is that a lot of

I went to a cat show in Moscow one time (whilst drunk) and all of my memories of it feel like a fever dream.

Thanks for checking on us! ;) I used to live near the Peace Bridge (U.S. side) ... so maybe former neighbors?

In the evening, do you guys just gather on the collective Canadian porch and look over at what junk cars, racist signs, unattractive lawn ornaments, and snarling dogs we’ve added during the course of the day?

Were they all Caldecott medalists?