Esme Squalor4

So much this!!! Mental illness does not equal being an asshole. This is actually kind of my mantra as a person with chronic depression. It helps to remind me that I’m not completely worthless. It also reminds me to respect and be kind to others as best as I can even when my depression is overwhelming.

Now, now let’s not leave out the real shitholes along the Southern Tier. Lookin’ at you my home town in Allegany County.

Original upstate NYer who now lives in the liberal haven of the Pioneer Valley (Western MA). There are racist fuckers out here too.

Good, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one with this reaction. It came mixed in with the outrage and grossness of course.

Can we hear more about the pile?

The world needs more Black Phillip the goat references.


It’s honestly the best use of the meme I’ve ever seen. :) (high praise, blah blah blah)

This is amazing.

That was my take-away too. Her bootie game is strong.

LOOK at those panther beauties!!!

There’s considerable overlap in that Venn diagram.

Economic principals (like supply and demand) are beyond most Republicans.

Maybe the term “host” hints at that as well. The androids serve as guides/companions/hosts but then ultimately “host” a person’s consciousness in perpetuity.  

Maybe that is his endgame. That young boy looked like a version of him and maybe a way to live forever?

So it’s sort of a viral phrase? A communicable piece of code?

I like this one ...

I think the soul-sucking out process begins after you get the big bag of ill-gotten money.

She should totally mutter “dracarys” under her breath and finish it off with a little shimmy.

It’s the money, honey.