Esme Squalor4


No kidding! I thought it was his part-time job.

We have a winner.

Not Ed Belfour. It was about 10 years ago. Think skinnier and more American.

I once lived in an apartment building that was smack dab next to an NHL goaltender’s condo. Definitely came home one day to see him helping my very attractive neighbor/friend wash her car.

If we could only see ourselves as others see us.

Fits right in your pocket!

It’s such ethnocentric weirdo bullshit.

“It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country - with a language barrier ...”

Look at that tabby baby!! Happy napping!

“...with a heat pad and my cat.”

More snoo snoo?


And we reap the rewards. Some Schrute is always appreciated over here.


Eighty kabillion stars for quoting one of our top 10 Presidents.

I knew I could depend on you. :)

Well that After the Theones show can fuck right off. Insufferable.

My riding trainer and I were killing ourselves laughing about this last night. We decided it would be the best thing ever if she would commentate on the equestrian events (slash come with us to horse shows and be our friend).

It’s a great way to see how much body hair you shed on the daily.