God, I love him. I’m carrying the flame as Western NYer out in Western Mass. Amongst these godforsaken Bruins fans.
God, I love him. I’m carrying the flame as Western NYer out in Western Mass. Amongst these godforsaken Bruins fans.
That’s a classic.
And no one ever discusses their appearance! (***cough***upperarms***cough***pantsuits***cough***throatclear...)
Might explain the lethargy. It’s getting to be hibernation season.
I think that the Jesus component is essential to the narrative. It wouldn't be good enough if he say, had therapy to deal with his anger or went to prison free following through on these supposed violent tendencies and then was rehabilitated. No, to really appeal to the right, Christian conservatives, and fundies —…
This is very similar to my gf when she looks at Facebook. She basically hate-scrolls through it. It’s odd too because (although some might chalk it up to insecurity or jealousy) she’s a very confident, rational person. It makes me giggle a bit when she grumps at it.
Erie county. Not Eerie.
For me, the parent with a chronic/fatal disease thing just makes me feel more like a child rather than an adult.
Are you my coworker who answers my retirement-related questions when the nice Fidelity lady comes to talk to us? Man, I wish I had it all figured out.
You should be proud as shit for the lasso making. Carry on with your ingenuity and snuggie usage.
I feel like I would enjoy a transcript or even a summary of this rant.
Ooooh it sounds like it was scintillating.
Get in line. The 87,000 mile line. I’ll be right there with you (and I brought candy!).
Goddamn it! My girlfriend and I love Flea Market Flip. I guess that’s coming to an end, because there is no way I can bleach this grossness from my brain.
God I love when this prompts more stories! This is a good one too! Unsettling. Uncanny.
Maybe I'm alone in this but I'd like to hear more about this custom, this specific dinner, and the food. But I understand if it's personal.
Well put!
My god ... the accent. Her acting was jarringly terrible in that glorious show.
Or an LGBT sticker for my car. Obama had one for the last presidential election.