Esme Squalor

Whoops, accidental double. Might as well use the space:

All the right parts where they should be.

This is what actually happened.

The nature of the crime makes it pretty hard to prove it beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law years later, with no forensic evidence available. Why engage in costly legal proceedings that lead nowhere?

Just-In-The-Roux would be a great name for a cooking Instagram

it is so incredibly sick that every time one of these shootings happen i have the thought process of “please don’t be a minority! PLEASE DON’T BE A MINORITY!”

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

Ray Palmer had it at the start of Season 3 of Arrow.

This is the face of someone who has no idea she’ll look like Amy Sedaris in twenty years.


Apropos of nothing, I prefer “‘cause” to “‘cos.”

Hey guys. So imma put this here even though I’ll likely have a post about it soon: yes, I will be leaving Gawker Media. It’s been a fun run, but it was going to end sometime.

I LOVE Ceresia’s version, because every time I hear this song, I’m like, “Yeah... and what, Drake?” Like, you aren’t a thing anymore, so what’s wrong with her going out and wearing less, etc? You don’t get a vote. Oh, and the BIG crime - she has new friends! How dare she?

women be gosspin’

He is an avocado at law.

Amandla. Not Amanda.

I'm probably gonna die out here in the greys, but her name is Amandla Stenberg. Not Amanda.

Lol, I actually enjoy that dress very much. But I can see how others may not.

As the resident blow job giver expert, I’ve never “gulped” on the dick. That seems... awkward and possibly painful for the dick involved.

That said, she must give one hell of a blowjob.