Fuck IPA fever. I am so sick of wasting ten minutes per table explaining our vanilla espresso IPA, our 36,000,000-minute IPA, our Antidisestablishmentarianism IPA. Go hump a barrel of hops and GTFO of my face.
Fuck IPA fever. I am so sick of wasting ten minutes per table explaining our vanilla espresso IPA, our 36,000,000-minute IPA, our Antidisestablishmentarianism IPA. Go hump a barrel of hops and GTFO of my face.
Don’t ever go home.
Oh man, I was just telling this story on another website this week ironically enough.
It feels soooo goooooood to be right
First of all, this woman doesn’t understand her own damn religion, because by their own standards, the Pope is going straight to hell for being and idolater, so.
Yes. Signed, Cracker McHonkiston. I am veritably translucent in all photos.
We could make it up. I say it involves a llama and a case of Cool Whip.
I'm sorry, but wtf are you talking about? Viola Davis often talks about how as a dark-skinned woman she isn't seen as beautiful/sexy/desirable and I've heard her talk about how the dynamic roles for WoC are few and far between. She has also discussed her own struggles in the industry. She was cast in a lead role on a…
You know you a white girl when you think that quote is militant. Lawdamercy.
“I don’t want to date/get married.” often means “I don’t want to date/marry you.”
I googled this just to see if it was real because I’m v gullible and kind of dumb.
I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I have to be that guy, even on a story this sad, because this usage makes me crazy.
T-Pain just Tweeted what I’ve always been afraid to admit.
This is what happens when you don’t copy and paste that disclaimer on Facebook.
I’ll only be happy if the donation was made in Beatrice’s name.
everyones always talkin shit about draperies and sofas and i always love that shit
“It’s not working. This password you gave me isn’t working.” FUNNY, BECAUSE IT IS WORKING FOR ME!!! *EYE TWITCH*
You’re never too old to be a bride.