Eric Siedlecki

Awesomely done, Hennessey, but anyone who takes just a second to look at the numbers will realize that the sensationalist headlines are a crock of shit. Just because the facts point to the Venom GT being able to go faster doesn't really mean anything unless you can actually make your car go faster. Find a 4 mile

Something small. It'd reduce congestion, and increase available parking spots.

Holy shit, this video makes me feel like I've never done anything questionable in my life at all. This is amazing.


I think I'd get stage fright. I wouldn't be able to get it up.

I wonder if all but these two spaces were taken. Isn't it common practice to park far away from other people if you don't want your car to get dinged, rather than hog two spaces in the middle of the lot?

I'm not going to lie; I definitely prefer to listen to orders when they're convenient for me. I may or may not disregard those orders, whether they're from my girlfriend, brother, mother or even employer. The difference between me disregarding orders and Vettel disregarding orders is that everyone is paying attention

That chick is totally blowing her nose.

Nailed it.

Number 1 reminds me of Fallout 3.

Looked that way to me, as well.

Oh goodness. I had to read that out loud in order to get the full effect. Good thing my roommates are upstairs.

That be a Reliant Scimitar. Lovely thing, isn't it?

I came for the Vector, and it came with a nipple. Not bad.

Well played, sir.

Good point.

It all makes perfectly good sense to me!

I think you've found what my issue is! I could never put a finger on it before.