
I came here to say the same thing. The Kardashians, all except one, are raising Black children and married/dating Black men. If you want to be in the culture, really be in the culture. They have the money and power to help. It’s time they start using all that social media clout to do something good for the world.

You know what? Good for Kim. It’s been time for her to champion black women, and I hope this is the start of her turning a new leaf. I ain’t gonna hold my breath, but it’s nice to read some good news about Kim K and I hope she keeps it up.

If there is a celebrity showdown to see who can get the most black folks free/protected. I ain’t even mad.

That Ivanka tweet is so far out of left field she must have been hacked.

The amount of tone deaf in these comments is simply amazing. Never has one ethnicity been complicit in the suffering and oppression of so many and unable to see themselves as part of the problem. White women going forward need to be called the 53% crew. I mean Becky has become played out. I mean the victim status that

It’s easier to explain away your failure to teach black kids when you ostracize and demonize them as incorrigibles. It’s much much harder for kids to concentrate on schoolwork when they’ve been ostracized and demonized, especially for things other kids get away with. And once a kid is mad at being treated unfairly,

Ha, she’s like, criticizing Michael for the fact that the way he celebrates a white holiday established by white people has some similarities to hers...Did everyone use plates at your Thanksgiving, Chantel? What about feet - did they all have feet? ARE WE ALL JUST ONE RACE: THE HUMAN RACE?!

I believe all of the black people already knew. I knew back in the day as a child I had a target on my back for being black...the teachers didn’t hide their dislike for black skin very well. It was pretty much always unfair unless you got blessed with a good teacher that year...that didn’t happen enough.

If wypipo could figure out how, they would target Black embryos for the prison pipeline.

Will try this again—if wypipo could figure out how to target Black embryos for the prison pipeline, they would. And fuck Denzel Washington, too.

White people have whitemnesia. not even know how to respond to these letter-writers. They are White Like Me, but holy cow are they unable to see the zinc oxide on the nose on their faces.

So he’s saying.... it’s like that, and that’s the way it is?

Can’t have done it since I’m a yogi? Nooope. A laughable defense. See Shiva and Bikram yoga sexual harassment and assault scandals, just for starters.

Statement from Thomas Shanahan, Esq on Russell Simmons: “In my personal dealings with Mr. Simmons, he told my client she needed therapy and was crazy for coming forward with sexual abuse allegations. He did it to protect his friends who were accused and ignored a transcript wherein the abuser admitted to the conduct.

Stuff like Thanksgiving is universal.

Did Hustle’s letter come with an RushCard application? I know it didn’t come with any Vaseline for the dry fuck that he gave us.

I’m honestly too damn busy trying to pay my bills every month to get riled by an internet comment.

I’m not white and I have a gay black boyfriend.

 Russell Simmons is like one of those creepy old black pastors that used to be a street Hustler when he was younger and just figured out that God is the most powerful drug of all. Always thought he was a shady piece of shit, can’t say I’m glad I’m right though