
Let the celebs do that. $1000 buys so much. Like a vacation.

Feels more like both players trying their hardest to throw the match. But I’m sure that isn’t the case at all

Could have thrown the match.

Right, and you (like me) being “big into” the Marvel universe absolutely excludes you from that non-comic aware general audience I specifically mentioned.

BvS were great films despite the critical reception and brought in tons of money.

Did you Boehner too?

It is all about timing - when the next debt ceiling raise would be and how it will impact elections. The GOP thinks they might get bad optics from a fight over the debt ceiling later... like somehow the entire duration of Trump’s presidency won’t be an issue.

This was the one I remember as well. I was over at a friend’s house and I could not believe what I was seeing!

What people fail to grasp is the fact that the google employee wrote a manifesto of sorts is him exercising his right if free speech. But guess what - he works for and is employed by an entity. And entity that can punish you for what you say. Punishment applied.

This is terrible advice.

It’s getting into “Al Bundy Four Touchdowns” territory at this point. Hasn’t accomplished anything since, so he’s going to hang on to his one real achievement.

And the winner is:

On some level, someone could make that (very presumptuous accusation), because with humanity and with community comes the understanding that we should all be in this together on some level. You get to sit at home in your AC, on your couch, and not have to worry about a neighbor who can’t afford to heal themselves if

I maxed out my student loans too, however I would not have been able to feed kids off of that and I also worked part-time on the side.

Life as an academic is hard, if you discount the summers off and the whole tenure thing.

This times a million. I didn’t get help until I hit rock bottom and was confronted by family. Sometimes the person in trouble doesn’t realize it until it’s too late.

Colin Powell deleted emails too. Why is it suddenly bad when Clinton does it but when the Bush White House did it it’s fine.

> “This is a big deal beyond this fake sports league.”

I’m sorry but kindly go fuck yourself. You have absolutely no idea the amount of effort, love, time and dedication these people put into being good at what they do just some asshole online can dismiss it all away by being an offensive douchebag. Your entire point

No doubt. I haven’t worked retail in over 30 years, but I *still* remember working retail in a toy department during the Great Cabbage Patch Doll Craze in the Christmas season of ‘83. We had to keep the damned dolls in a lockup because customers were sneaking into “Employees Only” area to steal them.

Have you been triggered by Novak invading your Safe Space?