Buys old NES game... opens it up... DRUGS!!! OOOO is that Cocaine!!... oh... no Herion... bleh... I guess I’ll call the cops now.
Buys old NES game... opens it up... DRUGS!!! OOOO is that Cocaine!!... oh... no Herion... bleh... I guess I’ll call the cops now.
I play support/tank for this very reason. What drives me up a wall is when a queue pops and everyone but me is DPS, and none of them are willing to switch up. Now you can tweak on the standard 2-2-2 build, for example Mei is a decent off-tank, and sometimes you can get away with a solo heal, but on the whole you need…
Mercy Needed to be Nerfed... when a Hero becomes a must pick there is a problem. She can be an amazing healer, but she’s a one trick pony. I love playing Moria, Lucio, or Zen because I can both heal and damage. Brigette is going to add more to that, and I’m excited to try her with a good brawl comp.
The only place I could see any mention of SD is when transmitting over wireless if you have an older/slower router.
“Expand the number of tuners with multiple HDHomeRun devices; Will stream HD via WiFi on an 802.11ac router or SD on an 802.11n compatible router”
And in the questions it mentions that if you hard-wire it…
The only place I could see any mention of SD is when transmitting over wireless if you have an older/slower router.
Or there is one hell of a pre-nup that is pretty ironclad even if he cheats.
Young Jim as a lad....
There is some good published science on ketamine, and you might want to ask your doctor about it. There are actual ketamine clinics that might be able to help out in some major cities and it might be a place to start.
I’m not trying to a push a cure on you, I just know how... Insidious, depression is and if I can help…
As someone who suffers from depression there is some great news on other fronts.
Ketamine is... well holy crap it’s looking to be amazing.
MDMA is looking like a solid treatment for PTSD.
It turns out that Mushrooms/LSD have strong anti-depressive effects too...
Turns out I may have been on to something in my raving…
We are back at this again. I know everyone wants a magic bullet, some thing in nature that you can take 1 pill and it’s all better. We may be there some day, and I’d argue we will reach that goal sooner rather than later.
However, as it stands right now this is just another example that the lottery of genetics is the…
Calm down now little snowflake. I know it’s scary being you right now, and that the world is a big scary place. I know that you want to believe big business and Trump has your best ideas in hand but when just about every single day they do the complete opposite and you seem to be running out of excuses for them. I get…
And we have to do EVERYTHING we can to remind them of this every single time they try to bring up some bullshit point. My little notebook of “you were okay with it here...” is getting rather large.
If you are in Quickplay awesome, no harm no foul that’s what QP is for. If you are doing it in comp you are an asshole.
Because 5 other people on your team, also paid for Overwatch, and their time counts too. For example there are no explicit rules about not talking during a movie, but still keep quiet. Your argument is saying that someone who bought a ticket should be able to be a loud asshole during the film because they are a paying…
This is my question as well, Unless he’s on a private server I’m not sure how you sync up with something like Quick Play or Even Comp
Oh it’ll cure baldness, just not in the way it was planned. See because if you are dead due to a massive heart attack from a steady diet of fries, you can’t go bald. That’s some 4D marketing chess right there. :D
It’s because the policing has no teeth. Maybe if Blizzard hired a huge team to do nothing but review reports and start bringing down the ban hammer you might see a change. Right now only the most toxic of toxic players get banned, the rest just keep right on trolling.
Was making sure this comment hadn’t been made yet before I made it :).
Right, left out that part where Jesus was all. LOVE and HELP everyone. What you do on to the least of your brothers you do on to me! Pretty sure that was right up there with the part where he flipped over tables and healed the sick (without asking for their insurance policy first).
Pss umm yeah artists get paid in exposure. Everyone knows that. (Sigh) I have a friend who deals with this BS constantly. “Your photos are amazing, can you please take some for our business for free? We’ll put them up on our website and you’ll get so much exposure!”
But as someone pointed out above, the pay for win model has been disabled. Wait till they turn it back on and you get rick rolled by someone who dropped an extra $200.00 into the game to get a few high level upgrades. Then you are either faced with a choice of losing match after match while you spend hours grinding…